I’m a police officer in a mid sized city...

I’m a police officer in a mid sized city. Do any other first responders (or essential workers) on here wanna share how your community was impacted by this virus? Redact personal/dept info if you do post. We have had several new policy changes and briefings on how to continue day to day operations. Thanks to all healthcare workers/other first responders on the front lines!

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if i have a DUI can i become acop?

The only good cop is a dead cop

I’ve had to use the same N95 for like two weeks because my nigger hospital administrators are telling us to reuse shit and won’t let us buy our ow

I'll be honest, its not likely. Though it has happened before. It all depends on your demeanor, how you perform with the polygrapher, oral board etc. It ultimately falls on the dept you're applying for and what their hiring policies are

Damn, thats way too long. But a buddy of mine in NY is currently having to reuse his as an er nurse. The shortage of PPE is fucking everyone over, and a few in my dept. wont even conduct traffic stops unless its extreme/dangerous speeds to limit contact and spread to their families

I'm a corporal in training in the army(civic help sector) of a well developed country. We're spending less time with less people during training. Nothing big happened yet in the region but our superior warned that we can be called at any moment. None of my colleagues are too much worried about the virus.

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Good luck to you out there, my county got hit pretty bad, its one of the highest in the state. I'm not too worried about it either, I would just prefer not to catch it lol

i was in the marines for 6 years prior. had a hard time adjusting when i got out and realized a more structured lifestyle suits me better. youre right it probably wont work but ill try at least. if not ill just off myslef

Fuck the police i got arrested for possesion of weed an u guys treated me like a serial killer but why the fuck would a cop be on /b

If you are not from the USA we don't actually give a shit and you can fuck off back to your third world shithole poor ass country.

redact....STFU pig

Do cops even give a shit about a little bit of magic mushrooms or a tab of LSD anymore?

That's not the cops fault, it's the laws fault, cops don't make the laws, they only enforce and follow the laws. If they made them too, you would live in a police state and that would be even worse.

Want a cookie?

And this is why you are the laughing stock of the work. So ignorant, so American.

im sorry, which third world shithole do you hail from?

>america is so fucking great
>we are #1
>yet most infections during this pandemic
>most deaths in the world
>idiot president thought it was a hoax by obama and the dnc
>no healthcare, everyone is facing death or bankruptcy
>projected 2 million deaths by the end of summer
>only reason they haven't had 3 school shootings this month is because schools are closed
>most obese country on earth
>they teach creationism in public schools, evolution isn't real
>49% of the country living in extreme poverty
>is at war with half the world either in armed conflict or through trade
>90% of the population will be brown mutts by 2035
>will lose their major cities to rising sea levels, thus collapsing economy further because "climate change isn't real"
>only country besides the huehues that believes climate change isn't real
>donates hundreds of millions of dollars to their zionist masters in israel EVERY DAY
>their political right is made up of either 15 or 60 year old racist roleplaying as nazis that know nothing about poltics
>their political left is made up of mentally ill 20 year olds that believe they're another gender and love to talk revolution but can't even win a fistfight
>most teen pregnancies every year

In my particular area it's not something we generally look for in a stop, unless we find it through probable cause or the driver is obviously impaired while he is driving, then charges would have to be filed.

Seeth harder

now say that in on (1) breath

I'm a bit of Lawman my self.

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Do you think cops should be able to be obese? What do you think about limiting service time for like a 5 year max?

please die on camera. I love seeing you pigs get clipped. once you choose that badge over your fellow man, you're no longer human. i hope you get murdered by a fucking crackhead or something

I think everyone should be fit and healthy, its just a combo of fast food/gas station food and lack of exercise that screws a lot of officers over the years. There is no excuse for it though, I find time to work out even with 2 kids and little free time. What do you mean by service time limitations?

wanna know how i know you're black?

Wow you\re so big and tough, buddy. Who do you call when your car or house gets broken into or you get stabbed by a drugged out tweaker? Would you rather we leave you on the side of the road until ems gets on scene? I would love to give you a ride along to change your perspective on law enforcement officers.

All cops are on Satan's payroll, the Bible says judge not lest ye be judged, "just doing your job" is no excuse for heresy.

oh god. yurops actually think any AMERICAN is going to read htis whiny bitch fit. pls, like i said before, fuck off back to whatever third world shithole you come from and use your own foreign websites you dickfuck. we. dont. like. you.

>only reason they haven't had 3 school shootings this month is because schools are closed

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