How do I get a gf like this if I'm black

How do I get a gf like this if I'm black

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Just use rape

Bleach your skin.

you don’t nigger, date within your own race

according to Yas Forums, these girls should be jumping on you

i wonder if they were lying about all girls loving BBC...

only the cucks who post that shit believe it.

White girls aren't worth it anyways op. They're boring and fucking spoiled as fuck.

just become rich... Money is all bitches really care about.

Have good weed

take classes at a liberal arts college, especially in the art or English department. failing that, become interested in indie or punk music and start going to local shows. once you’re in their environment, just treat them like any other girl. They’re pretty normal except that they’re dressed by the internet and get naked on Twitter.

Get ripped. All that bitches like this want is a big man, doesn't matter the skin color friendo.

walk into any coffee shop wearing an oversized beanie and tan pants

just be black lmao

OP, the only kind of guys they date ARE black guys

But focus on aesthetics, not just "big" because if you end up bloatmaxxing that's on your dumbass.

Be over 6ft
These types like a tall guy to make them feel tiny and helpless

and cars

someone wrote a song about it, here how it go.....

Kill yourself nigger

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He has a point

black guy here that gets girls like this.

my tactics:

Learn punk bands and music.
Muscles help, especially if you're lean and muscular.

alternative style, beanies.

become the token black guy, they jump on that shit.

Act autistically back and act rlly proud of ur skin. Go full niggers mode and for extra, go out and justbully TF out of any white guys around them. This should work

Black guy here, exist, realize that they are kinda trashy afterwards

OP here and girls like this always call me boring or creepy and then ghost me.

its definitely not worth keeping em around.
adding to this...drugs help.

bitches love cocaine.

Well stop being boring and creepy

then you probably are boring and creepy.

fake a personality if you have to. its fuckin easy.

I've been trying for six years.

gg I guess, and black girls dislike me for the same reasons

Its okay user we’re all fir the most part creepy as well. We should make Yas Forums gangs world wide to get what we want.

You're black you already got advantage than most of us.

I thought black girls were more primal than white girls.

>alternative black guy
Like this?

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nothing wrong with using guy friends to introduce you to female friends... steal stories to tell, don't try to be a know it all, learn how to converse casually.

kill yourself

that look works for middle/high school. wont pull shit as an adult

Stop trying to get girls and start trying to live your life. When you are passionate about achieving your goals and doing your thing, you aren't boring. When you aren't always thinking about sex, you aren't creepy. Basically girls should be a byproduct of how you live, not the goal

honestly i pull girls for this reason. i'm not trying to be anything but myself, it helped that i grew up in a culturally diverse setting.