Celeb thread; poison

celeb thread; poison

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Okay, you were first

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I can delete this one if we prefer the other....I don't mind one way or the other

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Nah, first thread is legit

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then I will keep it....time to put the kettle on....

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the wait is absolutely killing me and fapping certainly isnt gonna help .

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Are you gonna make delicious cup of coffee?

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I know bro, I am just waiting for that day... I still have some hope though :)
speaking of coffee, i am drinking some atm :}

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the hope isn't the problem 4 me its all the wasted time im bummed about. :/

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coffee, yes....delicious coffee, who is certain

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ah, i see :( well i am sorry about that

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just try to hurry pls jip jip ! dont want to keep diesel daddies waiting ! ! !!

Is this what? Fancy tea?
I'm shaking

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atm = at the moment, sorry i should have been more clearer my bad, drinking coffee at the moment :p
will do :)

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Padme was my 16 year old boner material

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the coffee I use now is not so great. but it is almost finished.

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thanks dahling

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pretty feets

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I forget this girls name. Could you enlighten me?

vanessa hudgens

good taste

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