How come more and more young beautiful white girls are openly choosing black men?
How come more and more young beautiful white girls are openly choosing black men?
Good question
they aren't tho
contrary to the meme, white women are very racist unconsciously and avoid black men for relationships
when they do pick tyrone, its typically to get back at daddy
The real question is, why are you a faggot, Tenda Spencer?
I couldn't possibly care less about interracial relationships but if you're offended by them I have good news. Statistically there still a minority with no signs of changing. Most white women are as basic, racist, and shitty as white men. If they aren't fucking you is isn't because Tyrone got there first.
Ze juze ofz Kourze
They don't... But I don't fault you your world view... It happens when your Rollin trips for bbc on the chan 24/7... Your world is not real it is incelated... Get some sun.... Do exercise... Learn a skill and pay yourself a complement once in a while... Girls... No matter what flavor... like real confidence that comes from a guy who doesn't really need her approval but are always thankful when they get it...
I'm not sure it's just black men. Theres a South Asian guy where I work who has fucked two married white women who work there. I think it's just the perception of taboo in it.
Hardly surprising, it's improving our society, our world. We must all join the New Black World Order!
They're not. Kill yourself, kike.
>"healthier babies"
Its so they can show off how "inclusive" they are.
>oh im so progressive because i date brown men
That and to spite their parents since they are typically conservative, i dont know anybody in my age group of 21-25 that dont hate their parents and are raging liberals.
Why do you always ask this kind of absurd question?
Black babies are bigger and stronger than white babies, and bully them in nurseries. They're better humans who can destroy wh*teoids!
>"better humans"
sickle cell anemia.
Read Malcolm X, it’s been going on a lot longer than you think. It’s a pervertizastion of black men. And it’s the same thing vice versa.
White men are weak and disgusting, it's not surprising they prefer black men.
May you please list source I would like to read up on this
Got her nudes/vids??
Please sir show some tact we are trying to discuss the writings of Malcolm X
The autobiography of Malcolm x
Thanks user.
I'm not trying to support this cringy Black Takeover shit, but humans with sickle cell have a higher resistance against malaria, making them 'better' and 'healthier' near the equator, if by better and healthier you mean higher chance of survival
Don't know if that's true or not, I just like fucking around and shouting stereotypes without actually contributing anything. Love your civility though.
Basically in his autobiography, early on in the book, within the first 100 pages, he goes on with his experience in Harlem and where he came from. From his experience and what he would see, white women had this idea of black men being superior in bed than white women, basically fetishization of black men. There’s one story he hears from a white prostitutite in harlem where as a kid she has a black man who would work in her house and when she was in junior high she blackmailed the black guy into having sex with her, due to what she had heard about black men. It goes more in depth but that’s what I remember
Nice, will read up when given the chance. Thanks user.
White chicks have been banging black dudes like NBD since the 70s...shddafugup. Where do you think all the mixed adults you see walking around came from you fucking numb skulls.
It's a girl that likes you, not some whore who likes attention and bangs black dudes because 1. she likes attention 2. she likes to be different 3. She hates her parents 4.She likes black dudes.
White nerdy dudes have been dating asian girls in college for years! Yet all you dorks obsess over black dick....WTF
Don't know what the fuck you're talking about, this was originally a civil thread about the writings of Malcolm X and the fetishization of black men thrusted upon by white whores from stereotypes and daddy issues. You showed up too little too late. Thread is essentially dead.
femanon here.
In the age of feminism, being blacked is the socially acceptable way of being degraded / submissive. this way we look like strong and open to other other cultures but this is more about the kink of being soiled.
have you ever been blacked?
that’s what my friends do and tell me.
I’m not into it.
Im ok with it it just leaves me more black QUEENS to COLONIZE
what are you into?
how do your friends describe how the size of a bbc feels inside them?
they're not, you're just duping yourself into thinking they are
they don’t care that much about the bbc. it’s all about the short-lived disrespectful relationship they can obtain from black people.
The darkies aren't faring too well in the current storm though. Not too good at fighting off viruses.
When will you try it? Are you afraid?