All guys on Yas Forums do is gripe about women so let me gripe about men

All guys on Yas Forums do is gripe about women so let me gripe about men
>hey babe we've been in the same room 3 hours now time for another blowjob or I'll get a new gf
>whoops sorry I got cum in your hair, just wash it out eventhough after you would have to dry it and style it and redo your makeup
>you take forever to get ready hurry up... my friends wife said you looked frumpy at the party
>you're always so emotional (says this while punching a fucking hole in the wall)

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why are you posting trap tits op? it has nothing to do with your bait

guessing you're around 40 so gtfo Yas Forums and stay on facebook

is that u in the pic tho

Honestly, yeah, men are selfish, hypocritical garbage.
But they need a place to vent too, and Yas Forums fills that role. There's nothing wrong with it.

I live as a girl and have dated guy for long periods like 2 years on and stuff



Oddly, I believe you're this girl. Post your dick.

Why can't men straight up say they will not be monogamous on date one then? I've never dated a guy that didn't end up cheating on me. I never have been the cheater.

nobody can have that body and say they live like a girl.

I'm getting it removed soon, as soon as Corona lockdown is lifted

seems you got daddy issues, lets talk... also please insert sharpie in pooper

Why not?

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/b is not the best thread to ask advice on

go to /adv

still curious to see it tho


I'm not asking advice, I'm complaining about men

Kik? Snap?
You sound like you've dated incels xD

nice bulge, faggot

Fucking retard

>be a man
>pretend to be a girl
>complain about men

Am I really a man at this point?

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Look deep inside yourself before you blame all others.

More ass btw

we know you are shitposting op. post that guys dick and be done with it

Living like a girl doesn't make you a girl. Dating guys as a guy makes you a faggot.

Nickandherson - snap
The bois you date sound lame

>Look deep inside yourself before you blame all others
What? Read my original post. I was just saying when in a relationship guys break stuff and are too pushy for sex. My big ex that I dated for 2 years would rape me in my sleep and I woke up during the act finally to have him telling me to go back to sleep

You were born with a penis so yes. Even if it's removed you're still a man.

I don't have a problem with this. I just want you to stop living in the delusion that you're female. Go ahead and remove your penis, but when you fill out your medical forms you still have to check MALE because there are medicines for females that will not react well with your body.

Again, I don't have a problem with you, your tits, and your dick that you want to remove. I think it all looks pretty damn sexy. Just please recognize that you're still and always will be a man.

Why would you even bother asking me that? Posting your skinnyfat dudebod because youve memed yourself into some nigger rigged female persona isnt going to make me think youre a girl inside. Youre a bored, confused guy that couldnt handle life so you decided to let faggots online convince you to become some warped icon of bullshit and now you post bait threads on Yas Forums as an excuse to post garbage nudes of your ugly ass.
Fuck outta here.

>Living like a girl doesn't make you a girl
Bullfucking shit lol

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This is gross

I live as a faggot* is what you meant to say

Another whining tranny? Yas Forums has really turned to shit. You aren't a woman. You never will be. So do the world a favor and go ahead and tie up that slip knot and jump.

>but when you fill out your medical forms you still have to check MALE because there are medicines for females that will not react well with your body
Kek what? Never had to check Male in years for stuff lol. I had a federal judge change my birth certificate to female

I recognise those freckles

how are you doing user? long time no see

The same way furries don't become animals just because they play pretend you don't become a straight girl. Just a faggot with boobs.

I'd be doing better if I had a husband who wasn't a fucking asshole and who would just cuddle and be cool with sex once a day.

Your papers are changed, but as soon as you're prescribed the wrong medicine then you're going to be fucked.