It's all over for you, Yas Forums. Once I play all 5 pieces of Exodia...

It's all over for you, Yas Forums. Once I play all 5 pieces of Exodia, you life force will be depleted and you will have lost. Do not try to stop me.

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OP is faggggg

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are you retarded?
exodia doesnt set your LP to zero, it just makes you win the game. Just because you win the game doesnt mean that your LP are zero.

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Silly OP, only i have the real exodia

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You can't win OP

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This duel is all mine

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Fear me faggot, you're fucked

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I win

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Too late faggot


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Did/does anyone actually use polymerization cards?
I fucking hate that shit.
First you need the two+ base cards.
Then the Poly card.
Then the Polymerized card.

There's no way they are a viable strategy.

Cyber Stein and Blue Eyes Ultimate. Eat shit

Okay I did have blue eyes ultimate, good point.

Most of them are not worth it though.
If Imma waste 4+ cards to summon and pray for the stars to align I'll use a god card.

All you needed was Cyber Stein and Faity Meteor Crush

>using god cards
What a pussy lel

We all had them it was chill.
We would play without them too.

Oh and Megamorph

For the guy talking about poly. You clearly only played yugioh as a youngster. Duel links ma bois

Last time I played was 2005.
I miss it.
I see the packs and tins at walmart and I want to buy them but I have no one to play with.

Why would you play with them? They're horrible.

Because HARD MODE.
You feel pretty badass when you kill obelisk with (Whatever the +200 per card on field) Plus Blue Eyes or Blue eyes ultimate.

That's baby shit.

metafag detected.

I always played rogue decks with anitmeta tech.