What will you do with your stimulus check?

What will you do with your stimulus check?

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Throw it in the stock market and turn it into 5 stimulus checks

Ironically im going to pay my taxes with it. I wound up owing about a grand this year because i lost my child tax credits.


I'm too rich to get one :(

i got about $400 worth of stuff i wanna buy like shoes and workout equipment


Hookers and blow once quarantine is lifted.


Why wait?

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Wait, fuck, what's the cutoff


Pay off credit card and buy a gun. 10/10

$99k I think. I'm just barely under it lol

Re-invest it in my community, shop locally and donate to food banks and mutual aid networks

I thought I read that elligible people had to be under $75k


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Throwing it in the market to swing trade options. We don't need it but my wife and I got the full amount due to some creative tax write offs.

Thinking about getting a rifle. Looking at a .338 any suggestions?

buy a lot of drugs maybe try to sell half of it not to make any income but I will not need as much as I plan on buying

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Save $1000, use the other $200 on this month's bills and loans. We're going to have to pay it back next year anyway.

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Fentanyl. Rock fentanyl, son.

Give it to neekolol

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Buy a table saw and a small stockpile of wood. That should leave me $1,000 which will be saved.

>Throw it in the stock market
me too.
won't even make a dent tho

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I've got a vintage table saw....$75

I'll mostly do what I did for the past years. Laugh about people who are eligible for and require a stimulus check.

Go pump it back into the economy, create more money for me by doing so and then hopefully you can go back to whoever enslaved you work monkey soon.

Too stupid to gamble on stock market, probably put it into a CD

I'm not eligible.

No, people up to 99k are eligible but the amount you get dwindles exponentially, for example, someone making 90k only gets around 200 dollars. NEETs, or people who live at home and don't have a job currently (not laid off, never entered the workforce) get nothing.


Like your taxes, it's tiered off the AGI

New AR,one of them School Shooter models...plus I get Unempl check+600 more TrumpBux a week till my shop calls us back next month,I'll be flush w/cash and rested fams...

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Fucking liar. Who comes up with this shit?

Gonna take-our this black bitch from work, get her on some Henny and get a well deserved blowjob

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I'm going to spend mine converting one bay of an open 3 bay pole barn into a cat house to get some of my moms fucking cats out of the house

I don't file taxes so I don't get one

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Donate it Kylie Jenner in order to help her remain a billionaire

Look into a mutual fund. Do your future self a big favor. There is no secret or big club to join. Anyone can do it.

And how will you do that bud?

Oh you are going to pay it back. A little tax increase here, a little increase on prices there, you'll pay back every dime and more.

Going to go to a local Latina house and pound a hot whore for $60

I already ordered a new computer to mine bitcoins