Ex gf and ex bestfriend stole my money and took off on me when I went to jail 3 months ago...

Ex gf and ex bestfriend stole my money and took off on me when I went to jail 3 months ago. I dont want to physically hurt her and I dont want to get into trouble. But I cant let this go. They are in a different state. Bitch even kept my fucking phone and got it switched to her name. Yas Forums this is a call to arms. Brainstorm with me. Pic unrelated

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You did your time move the fuck dont be like every other jail nigger if you want dick in your ass download grinder faggot

Delete system32. It will brick your phone and she'll be fucked

Quit being a beta fuckinh pussy and get over yourself. You are fucking pathetic.

Get dick off your mind

Yeah here let me do that rn

Give me her email address and any info you have about her virtual account info.send to [email protected] and I'll find her physical location and send it to you. I used to do this for a living. Look up Bruce peacock AZ for proof. Price is about $300 depending on how hard to find. Only email me if you are serious or there WILL Be...you get the point.

3 months in jail... probably child porn charge. Kys degenerate

Post their social media and lets get the ball rolling. ; )

reported to the fbi

Will be what?

Nice try samefag

If you aren't serious...find out.

I'm not trying to find her I'm looking for ideas. Really appreciate the offer though. I'm just thinking of a good way. Considering posting social media.
Fuck it guyz. Roll for it. Even dubz and I post the info odd dubz I drop the subject. Roll#1 is meeeee

Don't use terms you can't understand roody.

Anyways, post soc. OP. come here boy.

move on unless you can plan on running into them again.

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No problem let me know if you need (my) assistance (for a nominal fee). Good luck user


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The consequences will never be the same

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Not bait....but k user. This is a real btard asking for help

You're here to do one thing and thats PA for someone. The sooner you post a social media page the sooner we can use our collected weaponized autism and find you.
Hurry up.

I take it you looked him up.lol

Socials or nothing

I’d find their address and troll tf out of them with fake mail or some shit idek bro. Sorry that happened


At least one kid ITT is going to hear his moms shrill voice telling him to "GO TO FUCKING BED ALREADY!" and he's going to have a minor heart attack and drop his phone.


Could be YOU.

> (You)
I'm looking to get paid... He said he isn't interested...not getting paid,I'm already out.

That's a pretty good idea actually dude. I know their address. Thank you for the good idea so far its #1

Dgaf. Created the email sniping hotspot on VPN...

Start mailing them parcels of dog shit

sign them up for correspondence for kkk cores0onance and such and have the address changes to their neighbors keeping their address the same and their neighbors will think they are Nazis and shit....