At what point did Democrats jump the shark and become the stuttering cluster fuck of a useful movement they are now?

at what point did Democrats jump the shark and become the stuttering cluster fuck of a useful movement they are now?

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news flash trumptard,without old people.the republican party wont exist.everyday dozens die from coronavirus,most of them old.have fun in november when you see nobody voting for you

democrats are categorically superior to uneducated, traitor republicans

We humans are getting dumber. Emotions are taking over common sense and logic. Democrats are just too egotistical to admit they're stupid.

Remember that suicide will always be better than the future.


When they decided to become the Republican party, but nicer

It's all been a charade anyway.

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If you are mocking Elizabeth Warren you are truly beyond the Frontiers of Butthurt OP

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you elected stupid trumpshit
you literally cannot judge others

Republicans use to be for free market capitalism, states rights, freedoms and small government. Now it's a welfare recipient bailout fuck all rights unless we like them aka my corporate masters like them 5 conservative strong bloat to the federal govt cucks. Not saying Democrats are better but christcuck shilling fake Republicans take the cake.

>Once a Faggot
>Always a Faggot

those who chose bernie or biden over warren are literal chauvinists

Democrats are a stable stopgap measure until the country heals.

How are you going to make your one-time-only $1200 cheque last the rest of the year?

yeah with dumbocrats we'd get those checks fortnightly, same as the big corporations

go eat your spotted dick britbong

If they'd literally mailed a trillion to the populace, companies wouldn't be shitting their pants to stay afloat

both are fucked. It's so funny to see people jump on the Bernie train only to get disappointed again

like you dumb fucks how stupid are you

>durr their both bad durr
I love watching trump enablers (You, btw) esplain to the masses how they didn't elect him, someone else did, the Democrats

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I'm Canadian, not British. I'm getting $2000 a month. Answer the question amerifat. How are you going to make $1200 last a year?

listen frostback I'm going to lose weight so I can get a job when this shit goes back to normal ok
fuck off

get a job, nigger

>Liberalism is a mental illness

What are you, 70?

Democrats don't believe in trickle-down economics because of rampant corporate greed. Republicans do.

Democrats believe healthcare shouldn't be a for-profit industry. Republicans do.

Democrats believe for-profit prisons are fundamentally unethical. Republicans are fine with them.

Democrats believe women should have control over their own bodies, not the government. Republicans want control over women's bodies.

Those are the fundamental differences between Democrats and Republicans.

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There's other options

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The 1200 is just stimulus.
If you are unemployed because of the wuhan flu, you get an extra 600 a week.

inb4 lalala i cant hear you derp derp derp
if you even get a reply
it might be past user's bedtime and mommy says he has to mow the grass tomorrow

Democrats are naive idiots

Trump single handedly defeated the china virus!

Long live papa Trump

Make America great again


Bro, you're confusing Bernie Sanders with Democrats

>be American
>be a two party system for hundreds of years
>get surprised when the two unchallenged parties become an even deeper cease pool of shit, corruption, and tear apart our rights for their personal gain all while coordinating behind closed doors
>Oh no how could this happen!!1!? I know maybe I'll vote for the 'other side' this time.
In truth the DNC and RNC have become a rotting tree, only an axe can solve our problems.

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Lol okay, this just makes the inevitable more delicious. Trump will still win

And it should be noted that as we reach our peak we were not as a system, overwhelmed.

Is this really what qualifies as a meme for you fucking mongoloid trump shitstains? Your whole online culture is perpetuated by basic boomers, simps, and braindead teenagers. The type of people who unironically use exclamation marks to make their point.

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You voted for Killary, so go kys

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It's always amusing to watch them claim everyone who didn't vote for that piece of shit is responsible for him being in office.

Democrats believe that socialism works and that there are hundreds of genders.

I agree, the two-party status sucks major balls and we need to get rid of it.


In November, everyone over 18 has a choice.

If you have serious, well-grounded objections to participating in voting, then okay. I don't agree, but I can respect that.

If you're not voting because "it doesn't matter" or "both parties are the same", then you're fucking delusional.

Sure, both parties are resistant to real change. But one party is banding together hard behind bad policies that are actively bad for America.

You want a trade war that America is losing? You want a military being managed by a draft dodger who refuses to read intelligence briefings? You want tax reform that only benefits the rich? How about a massive loss of respect on a global scale?


Then fucking vote against Dumptruck.

>my vote for Drumpf was based on deep political research

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>i disagree with someone on a philosophical level, that makes them insane

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Zoomers are getting sick of your bullshit too.

you have hundreds of tendies mommy wouldn't deliver you so you cried

I've never understood why people say Drumpf. It's not clever or anything, it doesnt have a meaning, and it's not even an abbreviation since it's a letter longer. So what's up with that, can you explain it bud??

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google John Oliver Drumpf

Comes from a john oliver last week tonight episode. I'm a lefty and i think its gay, but its supposed to point out that trump is from an immigrant family.

I am gonna to vote but I forgot which party is the Christian party? The only thing that matters to me.