Transwomen are real women.
Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman. Its time to move on from that simplistic high school teaching.
You'll just heave to learn to deal with it and groooow up~
Transwomen are real women.
Genitals or chromosomes do not prove if you're a man or woman. Its time to move on from that simplistic high school teaching.
You'll just heave to learn to deal with it and groooow up~
Sorry but NO!
Transwomen are not female. They don't have a uterus and therefore cannot reproduce
The technology is too primitive. Stop deluding yourself
Kill yourself faggot, not even the left is on your side.
what does prove it?
The type of specific medications you need to take in order to alter your bodies physical appearance?
Shitty bait, have you ever heard of a hysterectomy?
Troomer bait
taking something out is easy, the hard part is putting it in someone else and having it work.
This is now a TG thread.
okay... why do i care about your controversial thought. Nigger
i completely agree its a human right to commit suicide
>You'll just heave to learn to deal with it
There are two genders.
You don't get to choose.
Grow up and deal with it.
oh but chromosomes DO determine sex user. you can perform sex change and take all the hormones you want, but the fact that you do these things is evidence enough that there is no comparison to be made between straights and trans people.
im afraid its you who needs to be at peace with yourself.
Why do smooth brained virgins on the internet spend so much time getting mad about trans people existing, when they could simply mind their own business?
transfags are all incels who gave up on manhood and would rather take it in the ass than be forever alone.
Stop mocking trans women with this thread, if you ran into a transgender woman who passed on the streets you would treat her like a real woman anyways so it doesn't even matter, I bet 90% of people on here fantisize about having a big-dicked french maid tranny prostitute fuck them in the ass, and they take that frustration out on hating us.
Fucking faggots.
You're the one who's trying to convince me tho
When you stop looking for validation, we'll stop caring
52% is 48% too low
I pass as a woman better looking than you could ever hope to score with, and probably got a bigger dick than you.
People like you are basically toxic worms, just require a good stomping.
Nobody is trying to convince you of anything? Or looking for validation?? Just wondering why you can't worry about yourself like everyone else
This isn’t about matters it’s about morals.
Same fag here *manners
>thinks Yas Forums is a place to discuss morals
Define woman
Half of these trans arguments can be settled by just defining terms
There are obvious biological differences, and most people can grasp the concept of there being social ones. Saying statements as vague and ambiguous as "Trans women are real women" only leads to unnecessary arguments
Be more accurate with your language
Don't you have your own website for spreading your ideas? You know, the websites that ban people for disagreeing with you because it's your safe place?
So now I have to ask, why do you come to the safe place for assholes and relic minded thinkers and try to ruin it?
And don't give me some I'm just trolling shit answer. Because anyone giving you shit at your safe place should be allowed to say the same after they "u mad bro?' you on your site.
But I get the feeling you have a double stadard don't you?
Great argument. And you could essentially be correct, odds and chances tend to work that way. Although i doubt that very much, doesn't change the fact that you are born in 1 of 2 categories. No amount of hormones, mutilations, so called "rights" that you dont really deserve in the first place will ever change that. Sorry your miserable and confused more then some of these fagget lukers, which is saying alot. Stop forcing people to accept something that defies human nature. It wont happen. Stay to your own kind and live in your own self harmony.
Why haven't you committed suicide yet?
GENder stems from the word GENitalia
'nuff said.
Transwomen are transwomen. Is that easy.
The third gender idea brings a spectrum of the preferred gender. Man and women are in opposite sides and the third gender is all the points in the middle. All those points in the middle brings the infinite inside the spectrum but the sides are not gonna change.
I'm maybe playing as devil advocate but the truth is that. I'm sorry for trans people both no matter how much they try they are never gonna get that total transformation that they desire.
I myself am trans, and I am not a real woman.
The fact is we will never be real women because we were not born women
This user gets it. A double standard at best if we can call it that.
No, I come on Yas Forums specifically because I enjoy being an ass and don't need a safe space. Clearly you need a safe space if you can't handle thinking about trans people... I hope you gain some self awareness at some point and realize how retarded you're being, the expression on your face will be priceless
mostly the terrible laws and policies pushed in the name of trans rights
I agree. I'm still not dating someone who was once a man. Even if they're post-op and even if they find a way for them to get ovaries to have children. Will never ever touch them.
Did I not just say to not give me an"I'm just trolling " answer? Perhaps your gender confusion stems from a deeper problem than just academic failures.
Klingt so, als würdest du dich mehr hassen als jeder andere. Zu sehen, wie Sie so viel in den Beweis von etwas stecken würden, dass niemand hier überhaupt ein Argument dagegen vorbringt. Du mein Freund bist eine zurückgebliebene Schwuchtel.
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