Movies that the masses love but you do not like

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Fell asleep while watching it

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I don't get how people can sit through Kubrick's movies

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you should probably read up as to why this movie is so well loved and so influential in the history of filmmaking before watching it

Alright fuck you this was great.

because not everyone has the same tastes, or expects the same things from films

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Fallen Angels was better

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any capeshit

this nigga can't take that someone doesn't like what the likes lmao

Every MCU movie is mediocre at best. But literally everyone I've known acts like the newest Marvel release is like the second coming of Jesus. I've actually given the MCU multiple chances.Maybe this one won't be so bad" But nope. I come out of the theater, cursing at myself for spending money on this tripe. I'll won't fall for it again

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I honestly could give 2 fucks if someone likes a movie or not. but with older movies, your tendency is going to be to judge it based on the current culture and more recent movies, which isn't really fair. if you actually care, you should have more historical context of the time the film was made, before watching it. this if for your own benefit, not mine. if you don't care, you don't care. which, at that point, why are you watching older movies to begin with?

You don’t understand. Almost everything before Citizen Kane was shit. This move was the first not-so shitty movie

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it was also the first to do many things in film. like shot compositions and edits never done before, that are still used today


im with you on this one, i thought it was good but people lost their fucking minds over it

This and every other bloated movie he's made. They're pretty good but each is at least half an hour too long with pointless dialogue that never goes anywhere, isn't entertaining, and never develops the characters in any way. Not sure why we all have to pretend he's a cinematic genius when he's actually just a lunatic jerking off on film for the rest of us to endure

This wasn't a bad movie by any means. One of my all time favorites actually. But Jesus christ, the praise this movie got was way too much for me. And that was only because of the joker. Batman Begins was a much better movie and really underrated compared to dark knight. Plus, it always bothered me how Harvey Dent talks perfectly despite having half a face

if you don't like Tarantino why do you keep watching his new movies?

Shit, forgot to post the picture

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give it another try user, I learned to like it when I watched for like the third time

Sometimes you're watching a movie with friends, other times you check out a movie because the premise is interesting. A director doesn't have to make movies in an identical style. They do so if they are unskilled and basically a one trick pony, but you see if they've been able to evolve at all since the 1990's. Sadly, he hasn't.

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>They do so if they are unskilled
that's not what it means, it just means they have a particular style. many filmakers do, and you either like it or don't. it doesn't necessarily mean they make bad movies, it just means it isn't your thing

It's one of those movies that I like for the concept but the pacing just throws everything off.

The Kill Bill movies sucked ass

I think you might be too used to hollywood blockbusters that have 1000 cuts in 2 minutes at breakneck speed