Essential workers! Sound off!

Essential workers! Sound off!


Factory foreman! Sounding off!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Truck driver

Hospital Chef

Stocker. I stock shelves with groceries no one needs but they still desperately fight each other over them.

neet full time


Meat Cutter

Night shift Construction Superintendent

Military here

Lead automotive technician. Because you CANNOT traverse the apocalypse with your check engine light on.

You're doing God's work anons. Keep at it.

Fuck off tendy boy

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FCC conversation captioning agent for the hard-of-hearing

Tech III here... greetings fellow greasehand.

I’m an Operations Manager at a construction supply store.

We sell anything and everything you could need for concrete work, masonry work, waterproofing, air barriers, etc. as well as rent equipment and concrete forming systems.

my dead 02 sensor will never stop me from traversing

Delivery Driver

Circke K employee

Check my digits

Manage a hardware store, stay safe Yas Forumsrothers

Hell yeah management.
Clipboard and a cup of coffee.

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Paint delivery. I come in contact with multiple people and travel to multiple towns around my state. I wear gloves and a mask but I know I'll eventually get infected and spread it to my coworkers and a lot of contractors, then come home and give it to my girlfriend who has severe asthma. Feels great man

1.half of the jobs that are deemed "essential"actually arent

2.even when the entire country is going to be locked down like it eventually will be,republicans will still shove their heads in their ass's and act like trump is god instead of throwing him and his supporters out

america leads the world in coronavirus cases,they cant call countrys shit holes when trump and his supporters have made america a shit hole

It will when your car's rich/lean switching air/fuel ratio finally destroys your car's catalytic converter and causes the mystery misfire and loss of power conditions.

Industrial Hygienist. Some dumb fuck got themselves fired today, got caught in the paint booths using isocyanate primer, no respiratory protection. Boss doesn't want to have any liability for shit like that, so he had security escort him off same hour. Still sucks, I need to review the training on how hazardous that shit is so it gets hammered home.

Vending machine repairman, reporting for duty.

Actually, I'm not considered essential. I'm not supposed to be working. But fuck that. I got bills to pay, and people are willing to pay me untaxed cash money.

Professional plague spreader

Government is paying me to spread the coof

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>even when the entire country is going to be locked down like it eventually will be
Lmfao imagine believing that this will actually happen

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Which branch?


>Go refunds

Freight-Train Conductor

I'm an AF Linguist. About to head to work in like 20 min lmao

>industrial hygienist
You, like, pressure wash people's teeth or something?

gotta make sure the guys are practicing acceptable social distancing!

Shipping Department at a DoD Contractor

Heavy Equipment Tech at a landfill.

Holy fuck I'm going to the boss tomorrow and asking him if I can start doing that.

But no, risk management and hazard mitigation of industrial work centers. I model and measure chemical exposures, design control systems and put recommendations to senior leadership, oversee implementation of safety systems, and handle any compliance requirements of OSHA like reporting or record keeping, or medical surveillance for shit like lead exposures. I work with metals fabrication right now.