>Be me
>115 pounds
>3.5 inch dick
>2.5 girth
>average iq
>weak chin & Big note & narrow eyes
I will never get a girl. No matter how much I money I have, muscles I built, girls find me disgusting. I feel suicidal. Once, a girl told me to kill myself because I was so fucking short. Should I get height surgery to increase my height to 5'7? I believe that My cofidence will be better if I was 5'7, average height un the world for a man.
Be me
Women aren’t the world, learn to make yourself happy. Work on your social skills and exercise, it will make you feel just as much of a man as anyone else. Focus on your work or studies. It’s never over, just keep fighting
How haven’t you killed your self yet
It's so fucking easy to say that when You are white and average height.
No one cares asshole
Have you contemplated suicided?
I know this sounds bad, but it doesn’t sound like you’d be able to please a woman anyway (don’t worry, they are no more than expensive and annoying fleshlights). Make yourself happy sexually and try to get involved in interest groups rather than seeking friends directly to avoid bad first impressions
What the hell?
But I want to fuck white girls.
I’m half black, so i know it may seem demeaning, but i really mean it. I was helped a lot by converting to Islam. I have no desire to convert you, i just aim to provide suggestions
And yet he’s still on Yas Forums. The point being, you could be a 6ft tall, strong jawlined hunter eyes motherfucker but if your brain decides it wants to have autism, you’re fucked. Literally mind over matter, just learn to ignore women.
seen plenty of manlets just like you with wife and family so...
Too bad, i guess? There are always people up for open relationships
no joke, a friend of a friend got surgery to extend his legs, got complications and had to have them amputated.
take that as you want.
Don't muslims marry their cousins?
Yeah ortho in general has a really high risk factor
how old?
I suppose in middle eastern countries they do, i belong to a rather liberal mosque and i date girls and everything (not totally accepted but they are still understanding)
Pic or bullshit
if you're that hung up about your weak chin, look up MEWING. Make sure you take your vitamin k2 and plenty of calcium with it for max jaw growth
how fucking stupid are you? why would i have pics of him? do you think he's going to be taking pics of his amputated legs and everyone would be just sharing them? fucking autistic imbecile
Pic or bullshitttt
Are you decent looking atleast? You could probably get a girl who’s even shorter than you
Did it work for u?
Stop trying to get laied faggot. take your time and find someone that fucking cares about you. But you wont do that cause you only wana fuck supermodles dont you faggot? Take a fucking look at your shitty life and be willing to change for someone you fucking worthless self-serviant shit. Grow the fuck up and show some girl you are worth their fucking time. I got a small dick and no self worth. But i learned how to be confident in my nothingness. Just be confident you will succeed because like me you are use to failing. Just be genuine and not a simp and get a person that cares. not everyone is a porn star so just have enough standards for yourself faggot.
Girls worth anything don't find guys attractive who list their dick measurements as their attributes. They never will. Ugly short guys get hot women if their attitude and confidence is fixed. Fix yours.
When u are over 5'3, it is easy to say that. You have no idea what it feels like to ser 12 year old girls have a bigger frame than You.
thats not true, i know plenty of buff short dudes who still get girls. nobody fucks with them about it because they can kick the ass of anyone who talks shit. plenty of women get off on that shit. get buff, and dont take shit from anyone
I know getting women seems hopeless for a guy in your situation.
So I'm going to open your eyes to the great equalizer. The one thing you can learn that will put you on the same level as the big dick Alpha Males...
Close-up Magic
Trust me. Bitches love Close-up Magic.
you should try to moneymaxx
these days having a ton of money is like being 6 4'' and ripped with a huge dick
even a strong dick game cant hold a bitch down
as soon as a bitch sees a nigga who's up they're like well he can buy me prada bags and take me on vacation.
you can actually cuck someone who's a chad like this