What's a good tv show or movie to watch?

What's a good tv show or movie to watch?

Everything is either pozzed or just propaganda for some political narrative

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I’m watching “Shameless” on Netflix rn pretty gud so far. Lots of nice titties too.

watch perfect blue

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For example

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unironically 3rd rock from the sun

The main girl in that show is hot as fuck. Though it does push this weird narrative that being bottomfeeding poor and petty criminals somehow makes them a better family.

A truly patrician choice.

Already seen it
It's really good

Seen it. You'll hate it after Season 3 or 4.
They start introducing transgender characters, Gay rights shit, abortion good, feminism good, white people bad.
After Trump won in 2016 they really went into hardcore political propaganda

They leaned left even at the beginning but it wasn't so bad (White mom and dad just magically have a black kid? Stupid idea implying every race is the same) but it was a good show generally at first

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same user here, you should also binge on "reboot.tube" if you're a nostalgia fag
love binging on school nick to relive my childhood, very wholesome :)

Ozark on netflix

Trailer Park Boys.. Best thing out of Canada since Brian Boitano

>Though it does push this weird narrative that being bottomfeeding poor and petty criminals somehow makes them a better family.
It pushes a political left wing narrative the whole show if you pay attention.

I like Money Pit. No brain power needed for it

>White mom and dad just magically have a black kid? Stupid idea implying every race is the same
The entire point of the black kid is that Frank is too much of a drunk idiot to realize his wife cheated on him.

Peep Show

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How do you feel about Rocko getting pozzed?

Thanks for the recommendation

The early seasons when they were still shooting on standard def camcorders is the comfiest shit I've ever watched.

>Netflix original
I'd bet $1000 it tries to push a narrative in the show.
I'm not watching anything Netflix.

You are an idiot. They get a DNA test later in the show and Liam (the black kid) is 100% theirs. It was a whole episode.
Spoilers btw if you didn't get that far

I only made it a couple seasons in, so I reckon that's on me. That show got stale pretty fast.

I think the dna test thing is in the first season

>That show got stale pretty fast.
Good on you man. It's not worth watching past the first 2 seasons and wish I never watched it in the first place

Yeah it kinda slowed down as it went on but the season with Tom Arnold and Snoop Dogg kinda brought it back for me. Still love that shit though.

I haven't seen this but always heard it was good

I might try this one out too

Trailer park boys is one of those shows that should have ended long before it did. The characters turn into annoying retarded caricatures of themselves rendering it unwatchable.

>The characters turn into annoying retarded caricatures of themselves rendering it unwatchable.

muh main man

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There you go I knew there was a specific word for it

Definitely watch trailer park boys. The first 7 seasons are amazing and the last 5 are worth it if you're sold. They have several movies and specials that are really good too. Watch the Trailer Park Boys movie on Netflix if you wanna test the water. Or S3E3 of the show. It's my favorite. Definitely a great way to kill some serious time locked down.

RedLetterMedia on YouTube
Just find a movie you like that they review

Clattenburg left at the end of season 7 because he recognized the show had become a lazy caricature of what it originally started out to be. Unfortunately, the main three guys kept on shitting out new seasons and they have been really bad ever since. Tho it's 100% worth it for any scene with John Dunnsworth as Lahey. RIP you beautiful drunk bastard.

First 7 seasons are definitely worth the time


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Thanks for the recommendations

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Handbanana! And I fucking look like Carl so this close to the anus.

You're absolutely right. Before it changed names from ATHF this is some of the best shit going.

It is devastating to me that if this had been on tv in the GoT era of HBO, it would have run for ten seasons.

Money Pit is a Tom Hanks movie