People of Earth listen to us

People of Earth listen to us,

We have always been lied to, cheated and used and our governments enrich themselves with our suffering! But this time it is not about money or freedom
but for the survival of the human race. Secret corporations have created something underground that is far worse than pneumonia.
the coronavirus turns people into a kind of zombie and it is spreading faster and faster. these corombies attack everything and everybody and have already
innumerable people killed. the internet is full of reports about this - this is NO joke but reality!

join us and together we will survive the apocalypse and in the end we will be free of pain, suffering and
governments that steal our souls.

If you have already seen the corombies don't worry you are NOT crazy and not alone! There are many of us, we are a rebellion that
the freedom of mankind will fight.

join us and save your lives and the lives of all you love! the light will guide us do not be afraid you are not alone

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GG It's already begun

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the end is coming!

i don't know if i went crazy or if i imagined it but i saw someone jogging in the woods and he was completely covered with blood. when i asked him if everything was okay he ran towards me...i ran away. i don't know what that means but i'm really scared

A man just jumped over my house trying to bite me. It's happening!!!!

really? did something happen to you?

Missed quads...

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i fucking knew it

many people suspect it but they don't dare to say anything because otherwise they will be made out to be crazy. we must stick together!

This is only phase 1, you have no idea how far this goes.

Nobody knows that, that's why we have to stick together. Who refuses to see the truth is lost but not us.

That was Joe

I can't believe you're all even entetraining this shit

I can't believe you're not doing it with all these reports. They're not fucking FAKE NEWS waking up at last.

I'm not saying it's all as true as they say, but there has to be more to it than that to admit

you are welcome for corombies

A dude just bit my arm in the grocery store. He couldn't get through my jacket. I freaked out and shoved him before running away

prepare yourself brother

>be someone who's never been violent before
>be locked inside hospital
>freak the fuck out
>fight a guard
>bite the fucked cause it's not like you know how to fight
>repeat scenario 5 time per half million cases
>muh zombies
If we get 5 Zombies per half million that's pretty good numbers, we've all seen enough z movies to kill them if they get shakey so calm the fuck down

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Mods fucking ban this spamming faggot.

We don't know how many there are because the governments are trying to keep this quiet.

Quit being a little bitch

fuck off and just die

Once you take your meds, schizo.


Anyone who isn't so deluded is schizo to you


Funny you say that. I tried calling this youtuber out for posting last week. he should be dead but yet here he is

>be OP
>Spam same shit thread all over Yas Forums everyday
>Post some bullshit YouTube clip
>Get mad when others call me out on my shit
>”but I’m not schizophrenic.”

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I have to break this into two parts because last time my reply was too long or some shit. said the site thinks im spamming. really? call a faggot out for running with corombies the word i fucking gave him!!!

nobody's mad except maybe you, if you're implying it.

No, but anyone who spams same shit video all over Yas Forums everyday is. See

This is sensationalism. I can't feel either way towards it because I don't care, I am so numb to everything, I feel absolutely emotionally distanced from everything. When this dream is over I will finally go to a happy place.

>falling for this bad of bait

Requiescat in pace

Top Kek. Yes, I am big mad. You however, need mental help.

just slit your throat to help millions of little girls every day

Fuck off shill, how much is Bill Gates paying you?

Will do once you seek mental help.