Im turning into a coomer, i fap once a day and i've done so for the last 2 years, my dick hurts

im turning into a coomer, i fap once a day and i've done so for the last 2 years, my dick hurts
how do i fucking stop, my life has been misery these last 2 years as i've lost all my testosterone
i try to distract myself with vidya and anime but it doesn't work and i don't have the motivation to become Yas Forums

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same user, to bad this thread will die because Yas Forums is a coomer board now

>fapping only once a day



i don't want to fap once a day, once a week would be plenty

Find a hobby. Make yourself busy. When you have nothing to do, you get horny.

Try making a video game.

Take up a hobby, read a book, etc. set a day to release and count down the days. When you get urges just work on the new hobby. Don't give in and in a couple weeks it'll be the new norm for you.

Go to the gym and lift, eat meat and (good) fat. That is going to be multiple times more effective of raising your T that shitty nofap fad bullshit.

get proper sleep and eat dark meat, work out every day and if you ever start feeling the urge then find something you have been procrastinating on and go ham on it until its done, this way you don't fap and your productive

the fact some anons actually gave tips restores some of the lost faith for Yas Forums

fittards couldn't even read the whole post before replying

simple, buy a pp prison if u rly can't control urself.

ur welcum.

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These and also try taking cold showers to build up mental strength which helps with resisting masturbation

unironically considered it

i unironically suggested it. if you're that serious, do it bro.

Unironically same dude. It's getting to the point where I'm becoming less social and active, and way more depressed. I was doing a bit better before the quarantine, but now I'm back to fapping everyday.
I'm 18 years old and most girls would say I'm an 8/10 (I have really, REALLY bad ADHD and social anxiety though, so it's kind of a struggle getting pussy unless I'm intoxicated or on a rare occasion feeling decent about myself), but I still find myself constantly fapping like a 40yo incel living in his grandmother's fuckdungeon. At least before the China-virus made us all have to stay inside, I was fucking/talking to a few girls, going to classes, working, and getting stoned with my buddies, but now, because of the self-isolation, I find myself slipping back into the void of degeneracy,
What do I do, Yas Forumsoys?

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i once played GTAO with my friend
had to stop playing because i wanted to fapp so badly, not the first time it has happened either


You mean something like this???
Isn't that for cucks??

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Yep. I guess OP has a choice to make, coomer or cuck.

>i fap once a day ... my dick hurts

Are you some kind of fucking lightweight? I'm nearly 60 and fap at least twice a day, and my dick only hurts if I've not fapped enough. Fuckin pussy zoomer snowflake faggots.

>All this abstinence bullshit is godtard propaganda - wise up: regular fapping helps prevent prostate disease

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haha u die soon coomer boomer

how u feel knowing every fap brings u closer to ur last?

Once a day?

I do four a day minimum.

You must be dumber than a rock if you think it's different for you.

>MFW your generation is so weak you'll prolly die before me.
>MFW you will die a virgin without having ever Lived
>MFW I fucked your mom
>MFW it's your bedtime Little Billy

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>hurr durr im a boomer my generation is the best and milenials r so weak hahaha i grew up without a phone and ate mud for a living lol im going to remain willfully ignorant because to accept the fact that my generation did everything wrong and caused literally every problem in the world is too much to bare for my old ass brain so let me laugh harder so drown out the truths HAHAHA SNOWFLAKE!!!

lmfao your generation was completely worthless and we'll only make real progress in the world when your old asses die off and the millennials & zoomers take office.

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if it wasn't for "boomers" you wouldn't have the pc / phone your using right now, faggot

shut up

Kek! The snowflakes will never know power - you'll be too busy kissing Chinese and Russian ass. The only thing you'll ever run is a train on one another's assholes my butthurty baby boy!

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imagine believing that China and Russia are real lmfao


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At this point all you can do is just see what the most depraved porn you can fap to.

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Everytime you get a urge to do so just do a quick 10 to 15 pushup's. Just clear a spot on the for and go for it. The blood will flow to another part of the body and you will feel accomplished when you do it. Keep up this routine, eventually you will set up a habit of self care with reward as opposed to self harm with (chemical) reward. Eventually 10 or 15 won't be enough to do it, so go for 20 or 30. This will help you to train yourself to associate exercise with pride or accomplishment of reaching a goal. Then hopefully you will eventually not mind different exercises. Also I'd recommend cold showers like the other guy did. Better for skin and hair as well which may also help to boost confidence.