Why can't Christians define Christianity?

Why can't Christians define Christianity?

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sage this stupid shit

cause they're closet queer-o-sexuals.

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Who's this white dude that looks like my grandpa?

But really user, why can't they simply define it?

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what gets me about it is that the higher power of christianity is arbitrary, i mean christians didn't choose their higher power, it was chosen for them, rendering the higher power meaningless. it's just like, why jesus/mary/the saints etc.? what makes those entities so much better than than any other higher power someone could have? why does it have to be them? it's not even that it's very suspect, it's more like, how could anyone possibly believe this stuff? nobody should have a higher power they didn't choose themselves.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

Thomas Aquinas

Justin Martyr, Eusebius, Origen, Aquinas, CSLewis, Tillich ... wjat dp you want ? Somebody to defend to your particular satisfaction? There have defenders and apologists for 1900 years

You anons keep beating around the bush, why can't anyone define Christianity?

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You're just name dropping authors, not defining Christianity.

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It's already concretely defined though

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The definition is in the name, "Christianity". Simply means followers of Christ. Understand Christ and you understand Christianity.

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Tillich, Lewis, Aquinas, Augustus, Luther,Calvin, Paul of Tarsus... what do you want a single unifying definition? After 1990 ? Good luck with that

God doesn't exist. If God made everything, who made God?

Omniscience doesn't exist. By definition, God knows everything there is to know and He/She can do everything. So, then if I, a mere mortal challenge God to create information he did not know, what then? If God, knows everything how can he not know something? If he can do anything, why can't he do this?

Omniscience is just a paradox.
Now, assuming there is a God , and he isn't omniscient. If he knows everything but can't do everything, how did he create the world? If he can do anything but doesn't know anything, how did he create the world?

Because only everybody else can

God is infinite and eternal, part of infinity is finity. You are god experiencing not being god, there can be no infinity without finity. Research Gnosticism.

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>Jesus wasn't white
>Americans paint and sculpt him as white
>They willfully ignore this to this day
>Literally praying to the wrong guy for hundreds of years

I know I shouldn't be laughing at this but..

What did god do before we created him?

It surprises me how no Christians break down in mess depression from this.
That's like.. a whole fucking history of people thinking they know their shit but it turns out they were all wrong.
Strangely, they are okay with this.

>Jesus wasn't white
Pontius Pilate describes him as blond with light eyes in a list to the Caesar.
>Americans paint and sculpt him as white
He was painted and sculpted as white for centuries before Americas were even discovered.

God doesnt "do" anything. You have a complete meme view of Christianity and god. You visualize a man in the sky. Nothing was ever created, because of god being infinite and eternal everything that has, can and will happen has happened is happening and is happening.

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So is there or was there ever a being or some character, that put this universe together?
How'd space form then life on Earth start?

Stop asking questions long enough to read the Book.
Cleared up a lot for me.
Now I have no need to ask these types of questions.

Because each person’s relationship with the lord is different from everyone else’s

Shouldn't the fact that certain deep questions like this seem like they will always elude man be an argument for God in itself? I know it's a "god of the gaps" argument but personally I would rather live in a world that could never be "solved" totally by those living within it. Scripture in relation to God is putting a face on something that cannot be comprehended by mortals but still loves them as "his" own children. It's an interdemensional form of baby talk to try to get us on the right track in a way we can understand.

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believe in christ kys

my religion is a bit weird we believe that god was a man who was given power by his god and that we will get that power too

The Revelation of Saint John the Divine tells us that the man who is called the Antichrist will lead the world into an inverted form of the faith.

So "accept it without understanding" yet Christians claim to be logical.

Belief in christs words as written in the gospel and the belief that christ was resurrected. There you go op

It's basically a cheap knockoff of Zarathustrainism but designed to keep people compliant to a masculine figure in order to reinforce the hegemony the ones who wrote the texts want in place.

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Lol go away with your thousand year old argument that has been beaten to death