Prove to me there is more than two genders

Prove to me there is more than two genders

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just don't be a dick

what is wrong with being a dick? is it better being a pussy?

I guess i (The op) win.

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nah, i dont think that's it. i think that no one wants to prove anything to you. it might be true. it might not. who gives a shit. just dont be a cunt about it


Gender is a social construct, its set on a spectrum with no clear definitions for any. Technically, there are two sexes, but 0 genders, because no gender is specific and cannot be measured, and in order for testing, things must retain their characteristics.
For example, for binomial distributive analysis, the criteria must be the same, for instance, male or female, but if someone depicts as something else and doesn't fall within the criteria of whats male or female, then it cannot be tested effectively.

So, there are two sexes, and 0 genders. So, yeah, I guess you're right, there aren't more than 2, there are 0.

I disagree, sort of. Given that social constructs are still valid mental constructs with lexical ly defined borders, I'd say there are most likely ca 2 genders per person on earth.
So my answer is ca 16 billion.

Gender and sex (gender) is the same thing, either you are male or female, you can like whoever you want BUT you are born a male or female whether you want it or not.


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Well sex and gender are not the same
But what about intersex people? They certainly exist, something you can't deny
If you believe sex and gender are the same (they're not but you're retarded) then that is a third gender, between a man and woman

op here
I actually did not count those people born with a dick and vagina or with no sexual organ at all since they are so rare that it is no point in counting them. THAT SAID explain to me what the difference between sex and gender is.

Sex is chromosomal, gender is social or cultural

so sex is science and gender is made up just like your fantasy friend or the pink flying elephant?

implying anthropology isn't science

More like made up like language and race

>If sex and gender are different things, why do trannies feel compelled to make them match?

Intersex people still are XX/XY, (male/female).

It may require genetic research to determine.
Most intersex is caused by hormone insensitivity.

dicks fuck pussies, but sometimes dicks fuck assholes too.

They don't

a mix between science and made up shit
not really, language is a thing and race is too.

dicks accompany assholes, pussies does too.

just post the image you lazy fucker

Yes, they're all things but social constructs

I can't