waifu thread
featuring Hirasawa Yui
QOTT: What ice cream is your waifu's favorite?
waifu thread
featuring Hirasawa Yui
QOTT: What ice cream is your waifu's favorite?
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She never says which is her favorite, but she is a fan of sweets. Maybe I can bring her to the dark side of MINT CHOCOLATE.
Aegis can't eat ice cream.
ice cream is my brothers thing.
i like dice
Dice cream.
Great Question
Pretty sure there's a song about this
Why even live
good night people
Rule 13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.
Jill :)
nothing wrong with mint choco
yes that is a thing
She's perfect, even if she can't enjoy food.
Being creative is okay, but lying is not
Vanilla ice cream
Pff.. faggots
You can make anything out of fondant. It's basically edible play-dough.
Stop stringing everybody along and just post the damn thing
you have never eaten play-dough as a kid?
I can't say I have.
MDR, nice rifle.
Meh.. only guns I like are Cheytacs or HK rifles
The XM-8 will always be the coolest rifle.
Dont think she has one
The G11 looks at you and clockwork noises intensify
Cheytac, too niche, no use.
HK is more like it, more functional.
Have fun with your plastic guns and broken dreams.
Kraut magic.
demigoddess and an apostle of Emory, the god of darkness, war, violence and death?
that would be black licorice and blood
Kraut space magic. Also very cool. H&K have a lot of neat experimental weapons.
>Plastic guns
>Says the AR15
You're just jealous that the XM-8 attachment system is superior.