Trump is winning bigly in coronis deaths and bragging about it!

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I cant decide if hes comedy or tragedy. Thank god i live in decent country right now

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Yes, indeed. I also vote red because we need tax cuts for the billionaires like Jeff Bezos. They shouldn't have to pay a cent to the IRS. we also need all the Mexicans and blacks out of my white country.

Breaking news, Trump never loses.

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I suppose this is proof that we really don't have control over the government. I really thought America was great until he got elected.

>winning bigly

I haven't seen a room full of babies get mowed down like that since sandy hook!

We're Number 1 in coronavirus deaths!!! Trump said we would get sick of all the winning. Indeed, over 500k Americans ARE SICK of this winning.

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Its a shame he's going to win again

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Too bad we didn't get killary to kill off all the victims before they'd have a chance of getting infected

fake news

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all he needs to do is nuke chayna. economically or with actual nukes it's up to him. but if he fails to do that, then fuck him

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Blamegaming is the weapon of choice for irresponsible weaklings.

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>and bragging about it

He's not worried as he knows its all a planned and staged hoax

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so pretty much every politician

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>Makes the equivalent of a Facebook gotcha political video and forces people to watch it

This is what winning looks like to trump supporters.

Which god?

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so do you get paid based on how many times you share this image in threads?

“This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it. And they're constantly trying to come up with a new – people go to a hospital and they catch – they go for a heart operation – that's no problem, but they end up dying from – from problems. You know the problems I'm talking about. There's a whole genius to it. We’re fighting – not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s – it’s very smart.”

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But that headline is USA Today - what you and Trump call "fake news".

file name makes no sense. Bernie supporter wouldn't have a gun nor have the balls to kill themselves.

They would just cry on Facebook/Tumblr and then threaten to move to Canada and not actually do it.

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when did I say it was fake news?

OH I get it, because I support another 4 years of him = I agree with him

sorry but no

Lol you faggots loved him when you thought
He was contradicting Trump.

That was so infuriating to watch, I couldn’t finish it.
I like how his “clear and decisive action “ began around 10 March!

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Exactly. Crisis actors suiciding everywhere. Can’t say they’re not committed.

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