Dubs decides whether or not I drink tonight

Dubs decides whether or not I drink tonight.

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Do it



Do it


whatchu drinkin?

Til you puke

Fucking do it.

I don't have anything at home, if I end up drinking I will have to go to the store and risk the virus.

Hopefully not off of that shit

trips say kys

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Get oe and drink until you drop

Get bud platinum and get plazzy

Mmm i drink steel reserve occasionally I'm not a drinker though.

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Lol every replay has a pair of dubs. What can I say, great timing user kek du it

6 days in a row I don't think I can do it again tonight. Lol who am I kidding of course I can .

Get the cheapest kind and lots of it

Do it. And grab one of these for me ...

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Why live if no drink?

Your own urine

Drink until you vomit and shit yourself

There are no dubs retard

OP is a faggot.

I could have a beeer

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Drink until you drop

Drinking a Steel Reserve 42 oz later tonight. Right now I'm having two Flying Dog The Truth Double IPAs.

Drink 2 of em and you'll be blasted even 1 if you're a lightweight


Fucking waste

Haha yay i won!~

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i used to drink 40's of that shit all the time

Checked. 2 Old E's Wins.

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Well I guess I'm drinking tonight.

Triple dubs. You gotta drink 6 homie.

Mad cuz bad

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if thats what your drinking.id say dont drink tonight

buy some quality booze,or if your gonna drink 40's.drink some olde e

This dude just can't stop rolling dubs
OP you're getting alcohol poisoning tonight.