You know the drill

You know the drill.

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I'm a married man, father of 3 kids, house in the suburbs, professional job, church goer. About once a month I go to an adult bookshop and suck as many cocks as I can get. I swallow every drop of cum. Once I swallowed so much cum I threw up in the parking lot. It was a whole pile of white sperm.

When I was in the third grade it was like 1988 or 1989. The principle had all of the the boys in our grade go into a room and we were all seated. The principle told us to all take our shirts off to look for “gang tattoos.” Was strange to me at the time but now I think it was creepy as fuck.

i have met, paid, and fucked over 50 girls off seeking arrangements over the past few years.

Inb4 11 year old niece, white castle murders and Trainspotting

I want to fuck my daughters brains out

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my neighbour is simping with this girl that had 2 kids, both of them different dads, he was happy that third one was his, it isnt, its my kid and hell never know, hopefully

I jerk off thinking about my little sister and sniffing her panties. I felt her up a couple of times.
I also love to chat with strangers about how I would fuck her.

I want to fuck my moms brain out

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tag team

My roommate was supposed to be stuck out of state for quarantine so I've been blowing loads in her underwear drawer for weeks. Then last week, not even 10 minutes after I busted a fresh nut in it she walked through the front door. I started panicking but a week later nothing's happened. If anything she's talked to me more and been nicer since she got back. Since I've only seen her in like three different pairs of shorts/ tank tops the whole time I'm thinking she just hasn't worn a bra or underwear since she got back and that's why she hasn't noticed.

Years ago a guy cheated on my daughter. I still throw roofing nails into his driveway every now and then.

I once stole my friend's sex tape and replaced it with a faggy trainspotting pasta. Not too much later, I started posting it in every confession thread like the cocksucking retard I am. I guess the overall lesson in this is that copypastas are for niggers.

Was a child prostitute when i was a little boy and i fucking loved it.

my exs dad was a fucking glow in the dark. this could explain quite a bit

When I was 20. I fucked two 13-year-old boys.

I started blowing the family cat when I was 18.

Someone saw me through my webcam and burned down a house down the road from me.

I gave the middle finger to the webcam and two weeks later it my brother was dead. I felt like a hacker had killed him.

There was nothing I could do about it and it filled me with great anger.

About two weeks after his death I went to the field down the road from me in the morning where there were horses. I hopped the fence and performed oral sex on one of the mares there. I also had analingus with one of the male horses. I brought a stool up to the field and put my dick in the area of a horses ass and came.

Years later, I tried to commit suicide in front of my webcam and got dosed by some guy over the internet which put me into a nightmarish trip.

Moral of the story, don't fuck about.

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I help cover up a murder.

Best story. Go!

At the same time!?

did AI write this

i'm masked

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Yes, I was their baby sitter and they thought they blackmailed me. I thought it be fun to go along with it and stop it when it got too far, but it got too far very fast.

Who's Al?

Pretty sure my friend wants me to fuck his girl

I'm not your friend's girlfriend, but this is something I'm going through right now.

How do you feel about it?

I don't want to do it and he hasn't really asked me. It's kinda like an elephant in the room. I only recently discovered he was into this stuff and we've been drinking a lot more since then.

Last night I made shits in my bed.

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Sorry to hear that, my best advice would be to ignore it if you can, and be careful who you drink with

Met a gay couple after school, in their hotel room. One was gifting me to his hubby to play with. They eventually fucked me both.

I fucked my mom after my sister's wedding. We were both very drunk, she was absolutely hammered.
Simultaneously the hottest experience of my life and also my deepest regret. I still feel like it was borderline rape (or date-rape?).
She acted like she didn't remember it and I'm not sure if she was faking or not but i played along and this was ten years ago and we've never spoken of it. It's like it never happened and sometimes even I will wonder if i didn't imagine it all.
I know that sounds goofy and vague, sorry.