I went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette and i saw a ferret down on the street just wandering around

I went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette and i saw a ferret down on the street just wandering around.
Just thought I'd share this.

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good for you, user. Ferrets are rad, but i'd personally never have one as a pet.

You sure it was a ferret and not something else?

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don't think i've ever seen a ferret in my country

heard they are considered a plague

100 percent ferret, it was around enough and im only on the first floor, wierd thing is im in the city

Many have them as pets, i hear they are pretty smart

Maybe it was a pet that got out.

As cute as ferrets are, they probably are not native to your local environment. You should try and catch it if you can

Ferrets don't live the wild, if you saw one it's an escaped pet fishing for food.

They've been domesticated for so long that they don't know how to actually hunt and survive on their own anymore.

Maybe, but most likely its wild, lots of wildlife has been around the city here after lockdown and no traffic, last week i went shopping and i saw a deer at the edge of the parking lot, a rare sight in my area.

What if it was a weasel?
They look much alike and there are wild weasels in the surrounding mountains.

If i try to catch it will it attack me and rip my face to shreds?

And do what with it? Its not a pokemon.

Im going outside to try and lure it with some fried chicken

Someone's missing a pet ferret nearby. Good luck trying to catch him because they always going into tiny spaces.

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Is it a black footed ferret?

Its all brown, no other color, and a very long bushy tail.around the size of a medium sized cat

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Could it have been a hedgewig?

Go to bed Harry.

Possibly, but dont let that stop you.
Dont be a pussy.

Could as well have been a marten, same family but not ferrets. Theyre pretty common in cities.
Or you live somewhere around north america then it's a wild ferret or as they caal it here an Iltis

Ferrets don't have bushy tails, except when they present the "bottle brush" tail when trying to look bigger...

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What did you say about marmots ??!!

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Greek island south Aegean,
Pretty sure its a weasel now.

Yeah , I'll just put on my protective surgical mask i use for covid protection

Ok, its a weasel then....

Weasels are the same family but way smaller i can only translate from german, it's most possibly what wed roughly translated a stone marten. They also crawl into cars and destroy parts like cables. Little fuckers

Im going outside guys, if im successful, catching it I'll post a thread soon. Wish me luck

It probably wouldn't cost you your face but a finger quite possibly. These animals have an extremely strong bite and a tendency to hold on to whatever they get a hold of. It will latch onto you and never let go until you kill it or rip if off tearing your own flesh.

Unless it does turn out to be a pet, in that case it is probably domesticated and won't bite very hard.

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Don't do that if it's not a pet. They will do more damage than you like.

OP here, i looked outside on the street where i saw it, nothing.
Well this was the highlight of my day......

What country?
Never heard of a ferret plague!

Did you make this just now or did you have a folder of marmot memes just waiting to be used?

Yeah, just like alligators.

What's it matter?

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Native to Springfield

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Nice marmot