Give me your best retard stories

Give me your best retard stories.

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That was an incredible story user.

Its one of my favorites.

I haven't read this one in a while so I don't remember if its about a retard

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never mind it isn't but its still a wild story

lmao look at this whiskey, I looked it up and the company still exists but they don't make whiskey anymore

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heres a retard but it isn't a story

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heres a retard story

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found the second part of R

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found another part to this one, I have no idea if it gets better

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I don't think I have any other tard ones and nobody is looking at my thread so i'm just going to post shit I want to read

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this one looks fucking terrible I don't know why I saved it i'm not posting the rest

this ones is pretty funny because it reminds me of my brother

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I always love a good shit story

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y-you too

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heres one from out, I don't remember what happens in it

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lmao chad hobo



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I don't know if this one was a copy pasta or if was serious

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I'm going to get this shit to page one just samefagging the fuck out of my own thread

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heres an up close pic

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this ones from fit, he goes to the sonic movie alone and starts an alpha male thread about it

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based autist standing up for the families to make the movie enjoyable for the kids

this one always hurts a little

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I don't remember what he delivered

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>burgercock likes this

I know delusional fat people are funny as shit

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oh ye it does

damn so close to six