Are leftists excited to start shilling for this guy?

Are leftists excited to start shilling for this guy?

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Still better than Trump.

Haha imagine having to vote between two rapist war criminals

these past 4 years have made me lose hope in democracy

id rather have him than trump

>I would rather have a neoliberal anti-populist puppet over a populist neocon puppet
but why tho
why the fuck would anyone actually go out and vote in 2020? nobody wins and everyone gets the 'rona

Nah, no need. He's boring as shit but at least he's qualified. Of course, the Trumptards still haven't learned that that matters.

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At this point all they can hope for is to make sure his zipper is up, make sure he's facing the right direction, put a lot of peanut butter in his mouth and sync in someone coherent as he moves his gums.
In other words the perfect Democrat candidate in a pathetic sort of way.
Still won't beat Trump though.

I'm sure not excited. If his dementia gets way worse then I'll just pretend that I'm voting for his running mate.

Couldn't agree more

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He's a Republican, dude.

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>Implying qualification matters when every campaign promise is breakable and every decision is just going to swing towards corporate and ethnic lobbyists
You underestimate Porky.

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>senile > retarded
uhhh... no

because in general bidens policies are inline with what i agree with and trump has fucked up basically everything he has touched from day one

azs for why would i vote i think my principles are a little more important that yours, i guess im just not a pussy

Way ahead of you.

Fear not. Bernie bros will guarantee 4 more Trump years

Biden will have people in his cabinet assigned to the departments to run them correctly not gut them from the inside. Plus we don't need any more religious nutbags on the supreme court.

AKA Russian troll farms giving the illusion that there’s a Bernie split trying to make a wedge in the left’s voters.

>because in general bidens policies are inline with what i agree with
Name 3 policies that are unique to Biden that you agree with
>trump has fucked up basically everything he has touched from day one
you mistake nepotism and bribery for foolish behaviour. Trump's retarded. His republican neocon handlers aren't.

biden also wants to put Beto o'rourke incharge of gun policy which is like hiring an arsonist as chief of the fire department

>Russian troll farms
Please stop making yourself look like a retard. The Alt-right in its 2016-17 hayday was the "russian troll farm" that the american bourgeoisie are telling you to witchhunt. The split in the democratic base most certainly exists as a result of genuine socialists and communists struggling with the extremely moneyed neoliberal elites currently in power, even if they don't quite see it that way.

baring an ammedment to the constitution, that appointment means fuck all.

i am in favor of expanding the affordable care act to make health care cheaper rather than keeping things they way they are or socializing medicine. this is not really unique to him but it is between him and trump

i also am in favor of his idea to eliminate private prisons as they are predatory and dont do anything to rehab prisoners into normal members of society. again not a unique position but it is between him and trump

i also agree that the first years of college should be free. i dont thnk it should just be the first 2 like biden thinks but im ok with the first year and then continuing free education assuming certain benchmarks are made in the academic career

unlike trumpers the left actually researches policy positions

Leftist here. No. I don't give a fuck because trump is that retarded.

>eliminate private prisons
A literal non-issue. Can you cite the number of "private prisons"? No, because you're a mindless NPC simply repeating nonsense you heard from other mindless NPCs.

You heard it here first folks. Conservative republicans are officially "neo-liberals" now. The right is now the left, the left is now the top, and Clear is now a flavor.

Seriously, don't vote if you're as stupid as that dumbass.

All my buddies are Bernie bros, all millennial. They are all holding their nose and voting Biden because they want to ensure Ajit Pai gets removed from the FCC and the SC doesn't get stacked further right.

The Bernie or Bust "movement" is nothing but shills and trolls who are either foreign or were never voting against Trump to begin with. Just like the DEXIT fags.

Look up Neo-liberal, dipshit.

Every single thing you just listed is not unique to him. These are positions he has grifted, largely from bernie, with a "hey bro copy my homework just change a few words" type-job.
If you vote for Biden, You'll be getting the exact same thing Trump voters got. Nothing but corporate pandering, highly questionable foreign policy decisions, another minor war for israel in the middle-east, and any healthcare policy he dos implement is going to be fucking garbage that was written by a big pharma lobbyist.

Same. Its like, do we like Biden? No. Duh.

Will he destroy America? Well, i mean, its a big step backwards regarding progress, but a few steps back is still better than burning down the political and economic landscape like Herr Cheeto has been doing non-stop.

I have. What I say stands. Fuck off if you can't actually have a conversation.

atleast we know we're shilling. trumptards lump themselves in with a complete piece of shit. They eat da poopoo and think its chocolate.

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I'm talking about the neoliberals that have monopoly over the democratic party and mainstream leftism in general, you dong stain.

You’re the one making yourself look retardersauce. Hard data shows millions of conservative posts from 2016 were originated from Russian isp’s from zombie accounts. Sure they were conservative people posting all sorts of shit but not nearly the scale that was automated to twist an election, jackass.


i just wanna trigger the fags

>some rich faggot bought out some russian bot service to spam twitter
>election = win???
show me the hard data.

Oh god we're so fucked.
I'm so glad Boomers and Black voters picked the worst match up against Trump possible because they thought he was the most electable. 4 more years of Trump. Just fucking kill me now.

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>only trust comrade putin droogs
They want you to give up and not vote.

lazy ass boomer. do it yourself.

I want the sham of centrist democracy to just be fucking over with already.


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Biden's on top, at least.

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