My girlfriend has recently told me she is in love with other men, and broken up with me...

My girlfriend has recently told me she is in love with other men, and broken up with me. I have found the location of these men and have made plans to kill them all. I will then go to her front door and shoot myself in the head right in front of her. Goodbye.

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Make sure you film it so other women realise they can't do this to emotionally weak faglets

Aint hoe worth it my man. Just trust yo homies. They will always be with u. Gl anyway, send her nudes at least


Good for you. This is the age of the beta male. Everyone should be afraid of us. Be sure to write a note and record.

stream it you faggot

Atleast shoot her in the pussy

You got this man, make sure you kill at least one of them, hopefully her favorite, before you have to kill yourself. Don't pussy out, and don't fuck up, I believe in you OP. See you down there

bruh don´t do that our family is going to be sad :(


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killing yourself over some thot. dude seriously

They were my homies. Always with me my ass. Ill see them in hell.

This. Also I'm just joking everything I have ever said on this website is satire.

God speed user
I hope whatever comes next is better than this shit

Reported. It is unlawful to publicly plan out a shooting/murder, even online. Your IP is logged and the mods will hopefully pass the info along to the FBI. People have been visited at their homes for much less. You are a danger to yourself and society

This is a parody of toxic masculinity in the twenty first century. Totally not serious.

Good. Thought you were trying to act like an edgy joker

simp alert

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I laughed at this reply, and also at OP. But I'm not gonna pretend posts like this don't make me nervous. It's less-than-funny these days.

OP won't so shit though. No one with a girlfriend shitposts leather-jacket-incel bullshit anymore.

Y'know what, good for you.
Instead of just coming here and bitching about your problems, you're doing something about it.
I salute you, OP.

Do a flip

Simps are scared of guns and violence. Keep trying to meme reddit.

livestream it

Dude, go be a whiteknight elsewhere.

Might be the guys and bitch deserves it?

Might be a harsh punishment for this single isolated situation, but as a collective reaction to all of the cunty shit cunts do all the time - it evens the score a little.

damn thats crazy

fake news

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OP is a lying cocksucking fag

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Baby, please, don't kill yourself. I'm waiting for ya.

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My girlfriend has recently told me she is in love with other men, and broken up with me. I have found the location of these men and have made plans to kill them all. I will then go to her front door and shoot myself in the head right in front of her. Goodbye.

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OP good news theres more than one girl in the fucking world. Try again retard.

How's the weather in Israel Moshe?

If you actually intend to do that then you wouldn't be here faggot. Seek you're edgy attention elsewhere

Google it, faggot

Who cares what she's done. Find another

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Idk, I got a visit from 2 agents and 3 sheriff deputies for posting something edgy on YouTube comments..wasn’t even a threat it was vague. They will go after u over some petty ass shit

don't use a gun retard, if you add on to the mass shooting statistic you're gonna ruin it for everyone else

I will find out where your tomb stone is and change it to: The tragic end was caused by his PP being too small for his size queen slut of a thot. Nothing of value was lost.

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>she is in love with other men, and broken up with me
Well, then you should accept that. I imagine you're hurt, but life sucks most of the time. By running amok you're just projecting yourself as an insecure weakling. Just realize it wasn't meant to be and move on. You can't force someone to love you.

Spend some time with friends. Talk about your feelings. Get a change of scenery. When you're ready, you'll meet someone new. Trust me.

Exactly. A hacksaw is much betta

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Thank you for giving antigunners one more incidence to use to argue against responsible firearms owners. Put the piece down, allow yourself to be pissed, jack off, and move on without allowing one cunt to have so much power over you that she makes you kill yourself.

Definitely. Also next time you steal anything we're cutting your hands off because there's been too much of that lately. Might be harsh but it will even things out a bit.