I'm thinking about fucking up my life. I met this girl on a language exchange site and she lives like 40 min from me...

I'm thinking about fucking up my life. I met this girl on a language exchange site and she lives like 40 min from me. She's from a Muslim family and she's a virgin but shes a freak with a huge sex drive. After the quarrentine we are gonna hang out but she says all I can do is kiss her on the cheek and cuddle and stuff. Also she sounds like a psycho. She is a starver and binge eats once in a while, but it makes her body look so damn good. Also she has displayed a few fucking insane traits like she doesn't enjoy eating at restaurants bc she wants to weigh the individual ingredients and add up the calories. She sounds like a control freak and I think she might be mildly autistic.

She wants to have a long term bf before she puts out. And I'm only staying in this country for another year or 2. But I'm thinking about staying longer and dating this specimen to basically drain my balls into several times a day. I want the opinion of Yas Forums for some reason.
Pic related our convo from last night

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Get a brown hooker and stop wasting your time on this cunt.

OP youre being catfished you moron

>Muslim family who probably taught her to take care of her man
>Mildly autistic
Go for it you bitch

>implying women exist on the internet or social media and know how to use technology

If she's legit, go for it. I know wisdom says "don't stick your dick in crazy" but if she's fine, gotta take advantage

but this one is free and never had a dick inside her.
no im not lol. Ive asked for specific pics and she delivered
thats what ive been thinking. But idk she has shown some crazy personality traits. She told me once she was in a "relationship" where she dominated this guy and made him eat off the floor, ask to do anything etc. But supposedly it wasnt even sexual. Seems like a red flag to me. That and the eating disorders

>She isnt a virgin, trust me
>Psycho is psycho
>You see red flags but you want to pursue anyway for short term gratification?

Dude. No.

I'm not going to tell you whether or not to go for it, but I will tell you this:
If you go through with it, you had better brutalize her and kill her before you leave. Any chance to remove a muslim from this planet is a chance you have to take.

that's def some fat fuck from Ohio or some shit



LoL.This dude is being Catfished by ISIS and is gonna end up on camera getting his head sawed off.

That whole convo reads like you are grooming a child

I think OP should do it, psycho is hot.

I had a situation like this. Hit it for two years before moving on and loved every second of it. Kinda fell for her a little but not enough to make me do stupid shit. Moved on when reg flags started getting unmanageable.

yes, fucking your life up permanently to coom is indeed the wisest decision you could make

Let's see these specific pics you claim you claim to have received.

Are you in Japan or Indonesia?

Post pics of her.

It is only going to end badly. I know because I've done it TWICE. And, after a while, it's not that great anymore.

shes legit lol but ty for your concerns
shes in her 20s
What was unmanageable for you? how far did you let it go
im a deranged coomer, its the best thing you can do in life basically. Problem?

kill yourself and the mudslime, do the world a favor

no. Im not sharing her pics on here lol. idc if you believe me or not
no central europe
>inb4 Germanistan kek

post pics then

>not sharing pics

Well then nobody gives a shit what you do. Fuck off

shes the white non religious kind. Its chill. Hers, mine, and your ancestors all climbed out of the same caves in the Caucasus mountains

ok bye

Bro, that's a dude, hes gonna rape and murder you after quarantine

idk what else I expected posting on this board

You gon’ get raped

I see the sweet summer children have started their migration early this year...fuck of back to redit if you can't abide the traditions of Yas Forums.

it's a guy you faggot

You want our opinion and you won't give us the goods?

How can we give you an opinion if you won't shown her?

>Def underage


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mmmmmm why do i feel you are lying, op?

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more hot convo ?

Experienced a similar situation long time ago, Muslim family moved to the States and got to talk to one of their daughters, she wasn't delusional or a control freak, Banged her virgin pussy and next day she was telling everyone that i raped her, it was a huge case, peeps from IL maybe remember the story, it was around 2007. So OP... no. Just refuse.

Short term I'm sure it'd be fun... But it's a bad move long term. Psycho is psycho. Buddy of mine had a psycho GF that snapped one day, tried to kill him with a shovel while he was sleeping. Cops showed up, she claimed he hit her, boom he goes to jail. I was his phone call. Took 3 years to sort that mess out.

If central Europe you mean Albania, Turkey, and other autistic similar cuntries stay the fuck awayyyy

If its really a "girl". Also if the person is Muslim, Ramadan Starts at the End of the Month. No sex, eating and drinking from sunrise to sundown.

Yes, even water

>shes in her 20s

That doesnt excuse the fact you are talking to her like you have groomed before