What are you spending your CoronaBux on?

What are you spending your CoronaBux on?

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i live in a third world country that doesnt pay monies to peasants

You got ur already?!

Sounds like a you problem.

Car parts

Some people already have them deposited in to their accounts, mine hasn’t yet. They say the vast majority will be deposited by tomorrow.

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Same bro.

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Not everyone is getting this lol.

I know like 10 people from work who didn't get anything, except a letter explaining why, saying that due to their tax information they didn't have enough information to receive one or something.

Like maybe 45% of americans will likely get it, the rest won't due to an error or will get in next year on top of their refund

And remember, since Trump isn’t your president, yours isn’t valid.

I don't think you understand socialism

You really think anyone in the 99% is going to see a penny of this?

Also if you or your tax adviser made a mistake on any of your returns from 2018/2019 you won't get shit from this, until the math is fixed. So better hope H&R block did a good job, since right now is when they'll most likely issue an audit.

Sure I do. Socialism is anything our blessed GEOTUS doesn't like.

What does that have to do with my comment?


Probably gonna pick up a switch and either pokemon or animal crossing.



I watch a stream on mixer with a couple who's constantly begging for $16,000. They got the camera angled on the female, so that you get a full view of her ass when she walks out of the room, or picks something up. She's also always playing with her bare feet on camera. If you flirt with her she throws a fit about how it's a diss to her relationship.

Video games, shoes, and clothes

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I'm donating it to Yas Forums passes. Hopefully the mod won't delete the thread and ban me while I'm handing out free money to his boss this time.

What a square

Only a dumb nigger would go to H R block

Tree removal, fans, and new baseboard heaters

I made too much last year to qualify

So you wanna waste your money?

I'm going to fire the watchdog in charge of distribution and give most of it to my friends

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success bad

success good, corruption evil

sounds like what a stable genius used car salesman would do

Don't forget the lobbyists and corporations that helped with your campaign

>everyone who makes more money than me is corrupt

you sound like you don't make much at all user

High intelligence isn’t always an indicator of higher earnings, lower intelligence isn’t always an indicator of lower earnings.

This is just smart business, he never claimed to be a patriot, in fact he even said he doesn't pay taxes lol.

Get rekt libtard.

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What's with all the absolutes? Of course not for everyone, but a large majority of successful people aren't retards.

the essentials

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Fellow /o/tist, I presume?

I just spent $9000 this past weekend on car parts. I have another $8000 to go this year.

75" 4K TV, 50" 4K TV and various accessories

Used running shoes on eBay so knee and ankle stop hurting.

I was simply stating a fact. You made an assumption about me not making a lot of money. I simply told you to not underestimate the earnings of people you perceive to be less intelligent than you. If anyone here is suggesting an absolute it’s you. I’m refuting one.


Have fun with foot fungus.