Why is your waifu and why, Yas Forums?

Why is your waifu and why, Yas Forums?

My waifu is Asakura-sama because we are similar on the inside

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(Supreme Black)
I'm sorry...

(Ex Boyfriend)
I like talking to Duke

Only on the inside...

Oh, you got me :(

He's really bad. All he does is sads all day... Not someone you want to be around

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what's wrong, it was all so normal yesterday what happened

I will go out drive around later all this made me feel extremely down
I trusted you
you even like my nature photos

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that is the only thing that counts

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I don't want to hurt akame..

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I wish I was nicer on the inside, but I don't know how

Cute waifu user!

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I like Asakura but I hate you and these faggot threads. Kill all weebs

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trying is the first step

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You're just mad because I have her and you don't

believe me... i tried... but i don't get anything in return so...

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where did all the posts go


To hell

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she, because i'm a weeb who watches seasonal anime that the animators themselves forget the day after they aired and because i want her to kick me so hard she breaks my ribs and pierces my lungs with them, and then piss on me

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what do you want in return?

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her eyes are really far apart...


a "thank you"

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that's all i want...
i used to work really hard for others... losing sleep because i wanted to see them happy...

Not anymore.


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do you want my discord?

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I don't know who you are...

Literally the perfect waifu.

stop that... i'm blushing...

bbl... sorry

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nigger stuff live and gay stuff

duwu i need 2 flood da thread with uwu to mak chu happyz?

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>"her eyes are really far apart"
yeah well that's a close-up

always remember she's best girl and she's disgusted and secretly aroused by your presence

Attached: Cattura di schermata (1404).png (1360x768, 1.1M)

god-tier waifu, literally

Yuuko Ichihara

>older woman
>likes her vices (drinking, smoking, so on)
>overtly sexual
>domineering without being sadistic - usually
>just enough gothwear. though I'm sad there's no rule 34 of her in latex.

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