Why is your waifu and why, Yas Forums?
My waifu is Asakura-sama because we are similar on the inside
Why is your waifu and why, Yas Forums?
My waifu is Asakura-sama because we are similar on the inside
Other urls found in this thread:
(Supreme Black)
I'm sorry...
(Ex Boyfriend)
I like talking to Duke
Only on the inside...
Oh, you got me :(
He's really bad. All he does is sads all day... Not someone you want to be around
what's wrong, it was all so normal yesterday what happened
I will go out drive around later all this made me feel extremely down
I trusted you
you even like my nature photos
that is the only thing that counts
I don't want to hurt akame..
I wish I was nicer on the inside, but I don't know how
Cute waifu user!
I like Asakura but I hate you and these faggot threads. Kill all weebs
trying is the first step
You're just mad because I have her and you don't
believe me... i tried... but i don't get anything in return so...
where did all the posts go
To hell
she, because i'm a weeb who watches seasonal anime that the animators themselves forget the day after they aired and because i want her to kick me so hard she breaks my ribs and pierces my lungs with them, and then piss on me
what do you want in return?
her eyes are really far apart...
a "thank you"
that's all i want...
i used to work really hard for others... losing sleep because i wanted to see them happy...
Not anymore.
do you want my discord?
I don't know who you are...
Literally the perfect waifu.
stop that... i'm blushing...
bbl... sorry
nigger stuff live and gay stuff
duwu i need 2 flood da thread with uwu to mak chu happyz?
>"her eyes are really far apart"
yeah well that's a close-up
always remember she's best girl and she's disgusted and secretly aroused by your presence
god-tier waifu, literally
Yuuko Ichihara
>older woman
>likes her vices (drinking, smoking, so on)
>overtly sexual
>domineering without being sadistic - usually
>just enough gothwear. though I'm sad there's no rule 34 of her in latex.