Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?

Is $5 on a $65 bill considered an acceptable tip?

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restaurants will never be open again

Yes. End of discussion.

>When he doesn't fall for your femoid tricks and doesn't give you money simply for having your tits out while you bring him food, and instead tips the cooks for the excellent meal

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instead of tipping just suck their dicks

What an entitled cunt

imagine living in a country where tipping is expected

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tipping is a joke

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waiters dont do jack shit for the food
cooks literally do all the work
oh no you wrote down some orders and carried food
wow you deserve so much...

I mean if you're a jew and the service was bad I guess, maybe? I'd be ashamed to tip that low unless the service was really bad and the server was rude. An average tip is around 15 to 20 percent(20 being for very good service) and $5 is of course around 8 percent of $65. I know that this is cultural though, and that any tip is good for a European because they actually get paid enough to survive off of their base salary(usually), unlike service workers in the United States.

And for those saying tipping is silly, you either just don't have much perspective on the issue or are from a country where the "tipping" is included in the price of your food and in your taxes, as service workers get enough already.

The only work a waiter has to do is smile and talk to some retards. As a cook who busts my fucking ass for 12+ hours a day 6 days a week, I got to cook, clean and lock up. The waitresses all leave as soon as all the customers are gone, the guys behind the bar clean up front. Yet the waitresses make more than anyone else, and most of them are high school whores with nothing to spend the money on except clothes and makeup and bullshit.

Although i agree that the screen capture in OP's post is stupid and that it is petty and entitled to make a big deal about it.

tipping is for kikes

waiters are shit. slightly fuckable trash.

Which is why businesses that aren't run by retards(i know this is rare) pay cooks more as well as pooling the tips between employees

If you are a nigger, that's about right

I really wish there was an option to choose who the tip goes to.

I remember one time the waiter sucked and the food came cold. The food was still great, figured the chef didn't deserve any of the blame of the waiter.

Just don't tip and you won't have to worry about it

Jew in the context that I used it would refer to a person who is stringent with money(cheap). Not really talking about whether those from a Jewish culture are more or less likely to tip, just using a stereotype that most people understand.

>require customers to tip instead of raising prices by 10-15% and give the raises to the staff
>stop whining about tips
tip culture is literally retarded

The American job system that was created where there are jobs you are forced to take tips to make sure you are barely scraping by at minimum wage is the real issue with how tips are handled right now. If they paid these people a normal wage they could live on without needing the tips people wouldn't feel obligated to tip on every order but only for excellent service. It's the way its done in a lot of countries and I believe you'd see better service here also.

To answer OP, an acceptable tip is 15-20% of your meal.
So 9.75$ at 15% or 13$ at 20% for a 65$. I was raised in a upper middle class family and it was customary to tip 20% always and if I have the money I strive to stay on that to help these people out.

Bitch that's 2 gallons of gas.

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Waiters are earning almost double compared to the dish washers; you don't owe them anything you don't want to give.

You can get 20 sucking dicks instead or better yet, find a real job.


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Looks like a guy OP she probably has a huge dick.

We have Mexicans and niggers too, it gets a lot worse.

Newsflash retards, if my rent for my shitty studio apartment on the garbage side of town is 1450 and I only make 2000 dollars a month BEFORE taxes are taken out (1600) how much money do I have left to buy my own God damned food. Better yet, what if I got paid under the minimum wage because my paycheck is supposed to be subsidized by tips or commission? Because yes, that happens. These people are literally working for tips. I've had to work 2 jobs at once on top of doing door dash, my full time job at the time kept cutting my hours all the time and paying me half minimum wage because I made commission. Meanwhile some lazy asshole who can't be bothered to drive to chik fil a wants me to wait in line for him for an hour, drive 15 miles to his house and give him his shit food for nothing, nada, a 2 dollar delivery fee. How many of you faggots even have jobs? Live somewhere that isn't your parents? Have had to pay rent to an actual landlord (not your father)? Have to buy your own food? God this thread is pathetic

then dont go out to eat you broke retard

Why the fuck they just don't start doing that, charging what they have to charge for food and pay the fucking workers what they have to and avoid us that stupid awkward moment of tipping and also avoid the necessity of create cunts.
i rather pay 25 bucks for food instead of 15 for food and 10 of tip