How can whitebois compete?

How can whitebois compete?

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They can't. Duh

Imagine finding out this was your girlfriend's ex boyfriend

Not being in prison helps.

Dont. instead Cooperate
give your wives to them

By competing duh. Not like I don't see this in the floor in black ghetto's sewer gutters. Remember to take it with a nice big 40 like they do. Kek!

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The same way he man competes with an hourse.
He cant best it in size But then again he has his Master race and the fact that he inst an animal/slave/lover race. And that counts waaaaaaay more then a Big.

>master race
>spells and talks like a retard

I'm assuming that's not you or you don't get laid much. I'm average size with thick girth and i have sex more than twice a day I learn my gf sore. That size is easy to compete with because he would make the average woman bleed.

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lmao that's photoshopped

Because "white boys" are not monkeys, jew faggot.
Horses have even bigger dicks, do you think us "white boys" have to compete with horses too, dipshit?

Porn that has intentional fake dicks and women acting like it's real.

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They want to believe it's real Soo bad it's pathetic. Rip mudbone

I have a job, I have no kids out of wedlock, let alone separation from the mother of such kids. I have no criminal history, I am reasonably competent in spelling and grammar, in more than one language no less, I'm not praying to any voodoo figurines, on crosses or otherwise, my skin is not the colour of shit, and my lips don't look like a prolapsed colon.

But most important of all, I'm not a nigger.

With a credit score over 550

I have no job, I have kids out of wedlock, separation from the mother. I have a criminal history, I am reasonabilly completent in spolling and grummar, in more than one language no less, I'm praying to any vuudoo figurines, on crosss or ghost heads, my skin is the colour of caca, and my lips look like a prolapsed asshole.

But most important of all, I'm a nigger.


And a virgin for life

... sauce?

its just small

asians have bigger penises than blacks

>asians have bigger penises than blacks

dude come on you know damn well that isn't true

Africa, where all niggers come from.

By having jobs

itt: virgins who have no real idea what women want

Hey there proud hung white man... uhm yeah you know alot of porn is fake right...? Like the guys with wwwaaaay to big a unit they use sheithes and sometimes injections to make the member become inflamed and look much larger me and a few of my family members do porn. And I can say with confidence that black guys are just as average as white... it's honestly just luck of the draw... I've seen huge black guys with small dicks. I've seen short ass asians with gigantic fucking 11inch dicks... dont let some "how do you compete" no sense ever bug you. It's about rocking what you got. And making the girl and or guy scream for more... I think this site might be bad for some of you...

Easy I'm white. I win.

With decent credit and jobs

>How can whitebois compete?
By having a job.

Hapa cuckold fingers made this thread, just like all the other nigger threads. Type "sage" into the options field if you reply to keep the good threads on top. Thank you.

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I’d rather have a gorgeous white dick than a nasty brown one. It looks like a girl is taking a reverse shit when u put it in her ass. I don’t even like black chicks, she has to be very very very mixed

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