greatest country on earth

> greatest country on earth
> 40% death rate

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Imagine being so stupid you determine death rate by confirmed cases that are easily 10x less than actual.

TIL 34/566 = 40

> We test more
Also Americans:
> Confirmed cases are way less than actual. foreigners ever NOT think about us?

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565 is total. They're neither recovered nor dead. They're still sick, so where they end is still up in the air. Dumbass.

Ladies and gentlemen, the American education system at its finest...

That's a more realistic way of reporting it in the midst of it. You can only really start using total infections, instead of resolved cases, once the situation is contained

You're a fucking idiot if you think 566k is all we have. NYC alone probably has that


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None of this changes the fact that our death rate of resolved cases is wayyyyy higher than other developed nations. It's fucking embarrassing tbh

> Thinks mentioning the names of a few universities filled with foreigners is a country's education system
Not really sure what you're aiming for there champ but I appreciate the input

?? wat? Look at fucking italy, spain, and France. Our death rates are fucking 3%

Ok, here's Spain. Half the death rate (21%)
And we test way more too, so their recovered number is probably way higher

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Sweetie spain has a 9% death rate. Americas is 3%

How you get 3%?

My b, 4%

Deaths divided by total cases, multiply by 100.

If you came up with a 40% death rate, perhaps you should be one of the people who dies, because you're a fucking waste of oxygen.

I think you calculated deaths over all cases ever, including ongoing ones (of which some will end in death).
That seems like a stupid metric instead of just looking at the outcome of all resolved cases don't you think?

If a case is unresolved then tallying it as a non-death is retarded....

Yeah uhh..he's not very smart

They are calculating it by dividing deaths with sum of deaths and recovered and multiplying by 100
Don't pretend to be a genius by knowing something you learn in 5th grade.

You also can't calculate a death that hasn't happened yet. That's the exact reason why the death rate hasn't been fully figured out yet. Until the epidemic has passed, the most accurate numbers for death rates cannot be provided.

christ we get it
how many times do we have to see this same thread

The death rate is predicted to be way under 1% because it's predicted that there are more than 50 million people who have been infected with Covid 19

per capita, America is doing an exponentially better job than any other country. so well in fact, it's better than #2-#5 combined. your days are numbered Chang you zipperheaded fucking faggot. I can't wait until we drop a nuke on Beijing.

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If they're alive they are not dead, correct? There's a gigantic hole in your logic. I fear the only larger hole is your mom's blown out vagina after her BBC gangbang.

Americans test way less than anyone else.
How do you know OP is a foreigner? I am Amerifat and I am pissed off that U.S. sucks so bad in so many ways.

Yeah it has nothing to do with having 100x the population of most Europoor “countries”

Every time an American dies an angel gets its wings

If only 4% of people require hospitalization then it's retarded to think that the death rate is 20%


the only people who think america is the best country on earth are redneck conservatives

The sad state of delusional foreigners

> Thinks death rate has anything to do with population size
It's a rate not an absolute number you tard

I don't think that's how you use %.

But it's looking like around 20 % of confirmed diagnosed cases go on to die.
Except in the USA, where you are twice as likely to die as anywhere else.
Ammmmereerriiccaaaa the brave, blah blah blah
Land of the poor, and the home of the dead

Fucking /thread


Death rate in USA is lower despite having more deaths because of large amount of population.

>Americans test way less than anyone else.

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