Your bi-monthly reminder that she deserved it
Your bi-monthly reminder that she deserved it
why's it shooped
Extra boner fuel
Does someone have photos of her?
What like living ones?
Who is she?
Bianca Devins, oxy addicted e-thot who was murdered last year and had the pics leaked online
Yes, living ones.
crazy how much older a person looks when theyre half-decapitated and dead. her photos when alive she was this tiny little jailbait girl. her death photos she could easily be 28 or so.
As you wish
Hahahhahaha noice
Why the fuck would I care for that
Show me the corpse faggot
Totally deserved it. Glad she's dead tbh. Just wish we could have seen the videos he never posted
God fuck was she beautiful. Someones gotta have the nudes
I'll post them if you go to her parents house and write "Whore" on their door. I'll know if you do.
She was underage user
The most generic cutie e-thot.
Looks better dead anyway
Who got the original pics?
Don't let me down anons, I know you have moar
Wait, why did she deserve that?
You losers really need some pussy.
>deserved it.
What's the backstory?
I don't see any names or links so I have no idea.
Because people here are disgusting sick fucks
>What's the backstory?
>I don't see any names or links so I have no idea.
You literally responded to an user that shared an article with her name and details of the murder
You virgins do realize all her pics have billions of filters — reason why she looks so "cute".
Basically underaged ethot with some personality disorder fucks a lot of guys twice her age makes a sex tape gets some guy arrested for it meets a guy and he kills her
She was using some beta cucklord for favors and nice things and when she wouldn't be with him for real he killed her I believe. Totally preventable if some dudes weren't gullible incel fags.
Some e-thot whore used to play men for money, cam, string them along, was also a junkie, bf found out, sliced her up & posted it online.
she didn't
Lol oops
Door #1; Door #2; or Door #3
Where the fuck do you think you are?
She existed ergo, by 4c standards, she did.
Twice over.
All are true
And still no original pics
All you fucking incels who get off on this need to do the world a favor and kill yourselves.
Kinda looks like that aussie big boobed ethot that's been circling around, Jadesnel or something?
So its a JS guro fantasy come true!
Fuck off back to r*ddit moralfag