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Phoneposting from work, bored as shit trying to stay away from people but at least I'm getting paid. 1/??

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Are there any good based indie games like this? I havent played a good underground game like that since JFK reloaded. I wanna get that game where you kill faggots as Jesus but I can't find it

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Anybody else still working during this bullshit?

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>Phoneposting from work, bored as shit trying to stay away from people but at least I'm getting paid.
Enjoy your Easter Monday, wagecuck who's not worth his money.

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Didn't laugh, but I approve

You seem pretty angry about it, you okay user?

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Yea. It feels nice to be essential for a change

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I'll take it

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No because hes a jobless bum with nothing going for him, of course hes seething lel

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Oh we're not essential at all, if we stayed home to stay safe they would fire us and hire on some bum.

Its nice to have income though

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Idk man I bet he has some pretty solid arguments defending his lifestyle that all involve us being suckers

>if you eat it, i'll let this one slide
it's already sliding.

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I weld medical equipment. I'm actually quite essential atm

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I'm getting paid 40k a year to stay home right now. I smoke legal weed and play video games all day. Another great thing about NOT being an American't

Oh, well then weren't you always essential? I thought you meant you had a shitty job that suddenly feels necessary


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I only know one person who isn't working now.

That's pretty cool, where do you live?

I came

Well, I guess slightly more now than before all this bullshit is what I meant to say.


What is this from?

Keep fighting the good fight man, thanks for chosing a career that matters.

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info ?

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lost at "I don't want it anymore"

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Thanks man... I actually needed to hear that right now.

I also wanna get this Jesus game that this fellow user speaks of. bumping for interest.

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uh, sauce ?

somehow lost