America is a third World country

America is a third World country.
Millions of you are about to die because of your seriously crappy unaffordable ripoff "health" system.

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It's not a crap system, it's just not accessible to half the population.

a health system for everyone is communism. you have to die for the land of the free and be happy the rich one live like you never excist.

a health system for everyone is sensible, it isn't communism, communism is an economic and political ideology you tard. It's not even socialism

14 hospital beds per 1000 people doesn't seem that good

i know, just teach that to this shitheads

You health system sucks cocks, America.

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2.9, on the other hand, is super shit

You're either robbing everyone to pay doctors.
Or you're enslaving doctors.
You cannot make a moral argument for either.
If we have the money to donate billions of dollars in foreign aid a year, and the money and resources to go give medical care for free all over the globe, any cost issues boil down to generosity beyond our borders. If America would just let the world burn we'd be far better off.

but just the rich cocks. btw i'm not from this shithole country.

>your your seriously crappy unaffordable ripoff "health" system

why do you care?

It’s ok, we’re defunding your communist sympathizing source

Do you really thing 1.4% of the population should be hospitalized at any given moment?

You guys are fuuuuuuuucked

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the fun thing is i bet they will not learn from that

you mean, like, during an epidemy?

i'd suppose not

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>why do you care?
So sick of yank tourists bellowing the bullshit they've had forced down their throats about how the USA is the greatest at this, and that, and everything else.
Now the reality of your 3rd world status is going to be held up to the light, and you are going to be humbled.

Attached: murica on portugal.png (930x1020, 77.26K)


Ich bezweifle mal,dass Du jemals einen "yank tourist" in Deinem Leben gesehen hast.

Is this crap the best you can do, America?
China built 2 full hospitals with like a thousand excavators in 10 days.
The best you can do is put up tents in the park?
That looks like a 4th rate middle eastern refugee camp.

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So you suggest we spend untold trillions over decades, and even centuries, on the off chance that some dirt farmers in some shit hole invent a new disease?
If literally everyone in any given country contracted Corona on the same day you would possibly need about 1% of the population to be hospitalized. But the cruise ship example shows it to be actually more like 0.25%

Hey what the fuck is the x-axis on this graph

you act like the us health system is at the limit just because of corona. it was fucked way before that.

Running out of room for your health systems failures?

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There you go!

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i guess they're just sorted next to each other for comparision

It's not going to be millions. It would only be millions if everyone acted like the black zoomers in my neighborhood and kept on going outside to play basketball.

>Hey what the fuck is the x-axis on this graph
Different countries.
Shittest to best, left to right.

Yes, exactly, most of the whites in my city are practicing physical distancing and stuff. We'll be mostly fine if we just keep on doing that

>Hey what the fuck is the x-axis on this graph
Pic related
Almost every country in Europe has a better health system than the USA

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don't even bother explaining them
americans are so self satisfied with being the best at everything that can't deal with the fact that is actually a good thing for a country to provide free healthcare or a education system that doesn't charge 100k for a degree in liberal arts.
so they go hurr durr socialism, third world hospitals ect ect

It's not even close to at its limit.
You people really are buying into the media scare tactics aren't you?

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>It's not going to be millions. It would only be millions if everyone acted like the black zoomers in my neighborhood and kept on going outside to play basketball.
But they won't stop.
They will get infected and some will die, but not before they contaminate everything you touch whenever you leave your property.


indeed it's just a flu