ITT: Post a YouTuber you enjoy watching. Yas Forums will rate their channel and your taste

ITT: Post a YouTuber you enjoy watching. Yas Forums will rate their channel and your taste.

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Can I post my own channel

If anyone wants to sub i always appreciate but let me know if there's anything I can do to improve

I also like bruva alfabusa if my own goes against the rules user

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Fuck hicuck. Fucker supported ban on bump stocks old bootlicker fuck


dick cock 45 here

Attached: MattEastonscholagladiatoria.jpg (1280x720, 42.68K)

this guy is cool as fuck all, i love his range

well I don't what I was expecting

didnt know he was a bootlicker, well i guess i kinda knew since all legal gun owning cucks are usually conservatives and they all suck police cock every chance they get. Weak. Respect was just lost.

My favorite is Edika. He hasn't posted anything in a while.
Why are all niggers lazy.

shit taste, 3/10

Haven't watched much of him. Guitar videos are okay for maybe an hour or two of your life but then they become extremely repetitive. 4/10.

Also, what state are you in?



Boring, hasn't done anything new in forever, his guns stopped being interesting ages ago, supported a bumpstock ban as a concession that led the ATF to create entirely new and unregulated/defined categories of firearms on the whim of a reagan-lite president.

But of course he's "pure kino" for retards that don't actually watch his videos but just listen to them

He does music stuff, not just guitar.
>Also, what state are you in?
Who's asking?

I have quite a few to be honest, but since you posted Grandpa, I'll pick Matt Carriker.

This guy got quite a hard on for my goofy ass game girl Suzy. Bizarre. And for the record, I only watched her do games, not the stupid pirated anime shit. Her Bloodborne run is funny as fuck.

I'm asking.

What data-mining outfit do you work for?

Got some bad news for you.

I know someone who may like his videos. Thought you might be him.

That's not what your mom said

tf2ber thats pretty good at clicking on people

I don't know anyone, lol.

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I'm new enough on Yas Forums to actually have sympathy for people like you (been here since mid 2010s), maybe don't make your videos about other people's content? And Reddit of all things. Create something. Make a story. Make comedy. You have potential but as of now your channel is shit tier with plenty of automated competition doing it better.

Shame it takes him soooooo long to get to the point. Aint nobody got time for that shit. Seems like decent info but the waiting..

He wants that ad money. Like most YouTubers.

Big Clive is comfy viewing.

Internet Today
news channel, used to be a part of machinima.

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michael is based

Total arrogant not-funny shithole.

I didn't get the response I wanted.
React to this.

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My man

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Thank you for the advise! There are definitely a lot of different things I want to try with the channel. Right now I'm focusing on upping the quality of production, the next one I'm uploading I was definitely able to improve the audio a bunch and I'm really happy about it.

The reddit thing, I figured I read those stories anyway when I'm not making videos and they seem to be demonatzing the automated ones so what the heck give it a shot. But like you said I'll start to move into doing my own stuff too

Thanks again user

You didn't get a response because it isn't funny. Shit tier.

FPSRussia for the loss.

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