Redpill me on this guy. What is he, Italian? How did he become the primary face representing the soyboy phenomenon...

Redpill me on this guy. What is he, Italian? How did he become the primary face representing the soyboy phenomenon? I've seen the gif, but the gif can't be posted because of file size, at least the version I have of it. What's this guy's end game?

Attached: c381af3caaef893ae4759bacf67d9ba8e2a99471ceacb8d42389e818d677b485_3.jpg (640x640, 23.51K)

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He seems to be a very popular soyboy to post, so much that he practically defines the meme.

he's a fucktard

What exactly makes him one? Thank you.

I'm not sure what to make of him.

Fuck off faggot he's a literal kike.

The last name looks Italian to me.

I fucking want to punch the guy with the cookie crisp box

>I fucking want to punch the guy with the cookie crisp box
That's a different guy LOL, but similar looking.

Attached: DSfEUFQV4AAuMFj.jpg (306x350, 31.73K)

He's funny because he makes a different funny face each time there's a hit on the music. It's pure comedic gold. Absolute genius. I hope he gets full blown aids.

What's the full video?
And look at his username, definitely not Italian.

He should be shot.

im gonna guess he lives in Jordan since that's where all the white sandniggers live?

he's too white to be italian.

He is jewish, and the language sounds nothing like italian, do some research... the symbols used in some of his videos are obviously hebrew too.

Whatever, just kill him.

100% kike

Ain't that Quartering?

Yep, that's him.

>Reddit: The Human


He is Seth Rogen

Yeah, he looks like Seth Rogen.

Attached: gettyimages-652687330.jpg (968x681, 32.83K)

Is he the maskot for Soylent, or something?

Attached: Soylent.jpg (1500x1500, 70.85K)

He's a fucking kike from Israel.

You say it like it's a bad thing.

This guy is awesome. He's cool.

Isn't that The Quartering?


>Shave beard
>Look like incel

>Keep beard
>Look like sōybōy