Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

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I do....but I keep that shit to /k/.

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You're posting someone else's stock photo of a gun you could never acquire. Why didn't you post YOUR gun?

Some people might guess why.

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Don't need one. Don't want one. Something something small penis.

Maybe cuz he's a nofuns fag kek. Aren't they all that call us out?

I just came.

I did but it got covid-19 and died. Buried it last week.

niggers don't live in my country

Ah, a gun thread. If it wasn't Easter you'd get 200 replies guaranteed. Still might happen...

Which pistol is your favorite?

because my dick is bigger than 4"

But I'm a girl.

Meanwhile you're posting non-stock pictures of someone else's guns, don't kid yourself into thinking you're better than him.

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You have a small penis that you're ashamed of, so it being something you know brings you down, you project your small penis onto people who have things that intimidate you, like power, money or firearms?

Weird flex but ok.

cos england

You can get shotguns quite easily, no excuse

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we know the fucking drill. tit or gtfo.
you don't get to use that here

To shoot, still my Beretta PX4. To just hold and appreciate, probably my P88 Compact.

>you're posting non-stock pictures of someone else's guns
They're my guns, I haven't seen someone post one of my pics in a long time.

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Hi Burt.

Oh shit, my bad hi burt. The fuck are you doing on Yas Forums? Also in that other picture is that an SR15 upper or just URX?

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I always wonder about these guns posted with the slides racked and the magazines loaded?
Don't they know that wears on the spring?

Because i'm Canadian.

why do you pick the memegun worse than the rhino

Springs used in modern guns and mags are very resilient, not much of an issue. A lot of people will also tell you compression doesn't really wear springs, it's loading and unloading that causes more wear.
No excuse, yours is one of the easiest countries in the entire world to get guns.

Brit bong here, what are those very boxy looking magazines(?) on the top shelf, labelled 10/22? doesn't look like it would fit in a mag well.

10/22 magazines, for ruger 10/22

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Not really, there's hunting stuff but thats about it, barely any handguns, and very strict rights to carry.

unless you use guns for hunting, if you own a gun for defense its because you're scared, not tough. and if you open carry weapons in public (assuming you live in a place that does that) you're just screaming for attention, its that simple.

I have multiples but unfortunately it’s illegal to possess the good ones here in New York so they are with my dad for now. Currently only have five shotguns on me (most given to me by my father) except my Mossburg 500. I also own a Springfield XD .45 and several other handguns but I need to wait for god-emporor Cuomo to push my permit through. With everything shutdown it should only take a few years. My AR15 is illegal here.

>Not really, there's hunting stuff but thats about it
Bullshit, Canadians get a majority of things Americans can. You might need RPAL for some of the cooler shit, but it's doable. The only countries in the world with realistically looser laws are Czechia, Switzerland, and USA.

Go buy a monolithic colt canada rifle and dab on /k/

Explain this faggotry, Burt.

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I live in New Jersey

why is it so wide? i see the size of the round but the magazine is 4x the size of the round? is it so that rounds can be stacked side by side in the magazine?

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holy shit Yas Forumsro

oh but i do, glock 19. people hate on 9mm but the high grain +P rounds will fuck you up.

lol clips


oh man the one on the left is even better! how do you like that double sight setup?

exactly, double stack magazine

It goes in a 10/22 rifle. Originally the 10/22 had a rotary magazine (kinda like a revolver, but not quite) so to fit the magazine well and load properly it has to match the wide original dimensions of those rotary magazines.

1) gorgeous

2) the ICP cds. i kek'ed.


I have a claw hammer that works better.

I think the 9mm is a good round, but you cant cheep out on the gun.

agreed, those godawful hi-points and things like that will fail regardless