Political path thread

Political path thread

I'll start:

1. Capitalist-supporting sheep
2. Ron Paul supporter
3. Mutualist anarchist
4. Anarchist communism

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what's the goal here?

You can see the point where the brain damage kicked in

monarchist all the way

The goal is to create enjoyment by analyzing and contemplating the philosophical/political journeys of fellow human beings.

I'm guessing you're probably still stuck in the "Capitalist-supporting sheep" section.

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Forgot the List,

1. Started as a Monarchist (Traditionalist Canadian Family)
2. Became a feudalist and a Theocrat

3. Sometimes step into the Nazbol/tanki zone when I think about the parasites

4 I've always been an Environmentalist

Why do you believe in feudalism?

Fuck your tiny gay template

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nah jk id consider myself a patriot

>>>>Use This Template >>>>>>

Why a patriot?

I've been borderline ancap for as long as I've been interesting in politics and philosophy.

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because thats my political opinion

I think having the back bone of the nation built on semi-autarkic communities is a benefit. Plus the benefit of having the folk guided by paternal institutions is can lift unnecessary burdens. Furter Feudal communities can easly implement and enforce direct democracy for day to day governance

I see

Why ancaps? Have you considered mutualism?

very well explained, what nation are you a patriot for?

the nation i was born in

1. peasants need protection
2. these colors dont run
3. We should be helping those less fortunate than ourselves
4. We need to protect this world for future generations

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which is?

I mean anarchy is anarchy in my opinion. Just thought I would be the one working towards a privatized society rather than some kind of commune.

Started a yellow pre-2014, 2014 I moved to 1, 2 in 2016 since I was hardcore Bernie. Thru YouTube I realized you can't give out free money in a real world and moved towards 3 and then to 4 within a few months. 2017-2018 I was at 4, and then realized the government always fucks up and moved to where I am now.

I like the way the local governments in the US have a lot of power compared to the places where I lived in Europe. When it comes to some matters the local community knows best. I also believe that unless you're born into a loan ridden poor family in a shitty 3rd world country, if you choose correctly you can get out of your hardship and work towards the middle class (partially because that's what happened to me).

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not gonna name it, but middle europe

ah no worries buddy, I wish you and your people good fortune

I agree that nations having autarky is desirable. I may even agree that paternal institutions are also desirable, but why support a hierarchical society at all? Have you considered the following problems with a hierarchical political structure:

1. How do authoritarians account for the inherent inefficiency of hierarchy in using information and resources?

2. How do authoritarians explain the inevitable unnecessary corruption that will be created from a ruling class system?

I think that both policies you mentioned, and all other policies, can be ideally handled in an anarchist society.

Why not name it?

The efficiency and issues of course exist, But I'm fine with it for the long term stability, and person freedoms which it can grant.

Further Hiearchicy is a difficult thing eh. I've heard others claim that one could have a society without it. But I'm still unable to see how once could have a large extensive nation without out hierarchy.

If you have any books to recommend to understand the concept I'd be thankful.

Why do you find privatization more valuable than communism?

I think that advocating for a market society just for the sake of engaging in the ritual of making profit is inefficient and greedy. The use of resources in a market economy would be based on the need to make profit, rather than the pure, unadulterated needs of the people. The wants and needs of the people can easily be satisfied by communist worker confederations that would handle the use of resources, which would run society based on gift economy, rather than a barter or currency economy. Wanted products and goods can be produced by the confederalized administration and distributed based on want and need.

i was just enlightened

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I don't care about what's effective, only what is moral. I believe that fundamentally, a person has their own individual rights and they may not impede the individual rights of others. Everything else derives from that simple idea. If people can create a commune, that's great. I just don't think it would last.

What would you consider yourself now?

Happy to Yas Forumsro!

For empirical evidence on the ability of anarchism to handle a large nation (which could further scale up through confederation, especially with the use of technology) check out revolutionary Catalonia in Spain and the Zapatistas in Mexico.

George Orwell visited anarchist Catalonia and wrote a book called "Homage to Catalonia", I'd recommend it. During the Spanish Civil War, millions of people rebelled and established worker's committees and communes across their nation. They got rid of the bourgeoisie and eliminated currency.

The Zapatistas rebelled against the Mexican state and won, and are still a nation to this day, 26 years later. They are composed of about half a million people. They are the longest surviving anarchist nation so far. I don't have a book about the EZLN, but you can read about them online, they're quite popular.

Except we communist anarchists have empirical evidence than anarchism naturally organizes through communism, see my examples here: What empirical evidence do anarcho-capitalists have? None. Consider that.

I think its interesting that you mention confederation, I had though confederation was an inherently hierarchical institution eh

That's exactly what I'm talking about. I don't need any empirical evidence for anything. I don't want to prove anything to anyone. I'm just saying when the gov falls, I'm not gonna be the one in the woods wiping his ass with his hand. Get what I'm saying? To each his own, fundamentally. I don't care what anyone else does.


Growing up is fun but looking back at your former self is pretty cringe-worthy.

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