If youre into loli youre into children. change my mind

if youre into loli youre into children. change my mind

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what's to change, that's true

Yes, but I know better than to actually go touching kids irl. I'm satisfied fapping to my 2d little girls.

That's true, but there is nothing wrong with it. Children are hot, and they too enjoy sex.


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Loli = pedo.

this is now a loli thread

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Be cool guys and kill yourselves.
Come on, be a team player!

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Who would satisfy little girls sexually then?

I'll kill myself if you lend me your daughter for a few days first. 14 or younger, please.

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you should get shot in the fucking head. pedophile scumbags

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Too old, user.

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Based teacher.

She's asking for a licking.

FACT: Kindergartners are the sexiest creatures on earth

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Toddler thread? Toddler thread.

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Very cute belly

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You can use the lolithon thread instead.

I like 'em both.

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I admit, i am a closset pedo.
I like children age 5-10.
But i'm strong enof to not give in to the urges.
I have a good relation with my wife and we have 2 daughters ages 6 and 9, never did a thing to them and i never will

Why did he place a phone prop on the table?

Any feelibgs of guilt or self hatred? When did you realise you was like this?

going to buy a child sex doll?