How do I get DMT? I've finally decided to try but I have no idea where to get it. Any tips?
How do I get DMT? I've finally decided to try but I have no idea where to get it. Any tips?
Come on guys help a brother out
your not ready and you sure as shit won't find it here
Make it. Just google dude.
Alternatively, rainbow gathering.
But really, make it. Its simple, and youll get a lot. Youre going to need a lot because its kind of hard to do and youll "waste" a bunch while youre learning.
Simple but hard, which is it
Hard to do the drug not hard to make it
if u have to look for it it is notthe time for you.
when u are ready for it dmt will come to you.
WHEN DAMN IT. Please tell the higher beings I'm ready and willing
Make it retard
dont stress. they show you when u are ready.
just relax, it will be your turn soon :) just don't stress it.
i was about to just post a recipe till i read :if you have reading comprehension this tenuous then you shouldn't be doing drugs.
also this:
because fuck you kid.
you have the internet right? are you intelligent enough to use it?
op is either a fed, jailbait, casting or just flat out retarded. either way. SAGE
Wait no this is OP, post the recipe. Pretty please with a cherry on top
Do yourself a favor, let it find you. Even then you will never be “ready”
I’ve never done dmt but I hate when people talk like this. I understand it’s the most psychedelic thing ever but what could you possibly know that I don’t?
to know that you dont know is the first step.
u seems like u ari n a rush. dont be. live your life and do things thata makes you happy and open, when u are open enough the DMT will come to u in some way.
u just have to trust The Universe plan
Pathetic. No recipe for you. No stories for you. You are not nearly mature enough to even know about dmt.
Uh if you’ve decided to try dmt then that usually means you’ve done other psychedelics before. You should already know dealers who would have it, or at least friends who know...
Pretty much this
>install torbrowser (for dark net access)
>install wasabi wallet ( free bitcoin wallet with additional security, i.e pooling & rotating coins to make them untrackable)
>install pgp client (gpg4win on Windows)
>create own pgp key for encrypted communication on dark net markets
>setup wasabi wallet
>aquire bitcoins (best for cash in direct meeting, there are sites for this, but buying online is acceptable, when using wasabis pooling method)
>start tor browser
>search for "darknet markets", there are several sites dedicated to collecting, rating and linking to these, one example for a market would be yellow brick market
>register, setup account with your public pgp key for encrypted communication
>send aquired cryptofunds to in store wallet
>go shopping
>yes you can use your home adress, since only your vendor will be able to decrypt the adress data you give, if you use pgp correctly. If paranoid send to a friend, mom whatever
1.Read up on Privacy and how to protect your data online
2. read tutorials explaining more in depth what each step above includes, especially securitywise (you can pretty much google the words of each step to find tons of these)
3. Always leave Javascript deactivated in TOR Browser (is standard setting)
4. Dont send bitcoin directly to any vendors. Use a market with an dedicated wallet and an escrow system. Also dont buy the cheapest listing, buy from an vendor who is well trusted/rated, lives in the same country and has a history of succesful transactions. This will typically be easily recognizeable since all trustworthy markets focus on trust.
Its drugs fuck these guys.
Or buy the shit you need to make it on ebay legally. You newfags are fuckin ridiculous man.
>why would u order a pizza u can do it yourself!
Jesus fucking christ
DMT is not a big deal
I've done it like 8 times
It lasts literally 5 minutes
thats its
>spend 80 a gram on le ultra 1337 dark net cryptofaggotry
>spend 150 bucks for 15 grams shake and bake in a fucking 2 liter
>pretending to be some spiritual retard on a Yas Forums drug thread
>too enlightened to spell words anymore
why so angry? :)
How do you get yours?
>shake and bake in a fucking 2 liter
what? no, its like a 15-20 step process
also its not 80 a gram. I got it from a secondary dealer at 40 for a gram, which is 10 hits,
thats better value than even the cheapest LSD
Because I was just like you, I jumped in head first and it showed me I knew/was nothing. Is it so hard to believe ppl may have a better understanding about something you clearly know nothing about?
just harvest it from the brains of infants like the rest of us, faggot
Dont understand me wrong. Making it yourself ist actually rather fun and easy. Anyone with 100$ to their name, highschool chemistry basics and the ability to follow guides easily googled can get rather pure crystals. But setting up for dark net markets is the easy way and gives access to all drugs one could ever ask for.
The first time, which was 10-15 hits, was a one-time thing from a dealer that I lost contact with.
The second time my coworker gave me like 2 full grams of the shit for literally nothing.
Couldn't tell you where to get it other than the darknet. People who grow their own mushrooms (and sell them) also tend to make DMT every now and again.
You can make it yourself using a youtube tutorial.
Its not super hard but there's lots of steps and you have to buy a number of ingredients but there's tutorials on reddit, youtube, etc that tell you exactly how to extract it from a number of legal sources, largley amazon (you usually buy roots or mimosa bark online, its in tons of plants actually)
Theres a bunch of ways to make dmt. You want more than a gram as a first time user, it will always be cheaper to make it and youll definitely want more later. I get lsd for $1 a hit, that is expensive compared to some people. Not sure why you bothered mentioning that.
Btw you can also make mescaline with shit off ebay and tripping on that is pretty comparable to acid. Lsa from morning glory seeds is super super easy too and you can buy those fuckers from walmart.
I'm glad you saved that sweet pic
I have a crackhead mate that buys it off the deep Web lol
>not a big deal
>8 times
i mean congrats yo?
what where your experiences ?
>more than a gram for first time users
nigga are you fucking crazy ? or you just getting shitty as dmt ?
those filenames dawg......
Why the fuck do you keep posting you literal retard
I hope it's my stalker! Lulz
Yes, i meant do a whole gram at once. Way to go user.
>You want more than a gram as a first time user
what??? I bought a gram my first time and smoked the shit out of it.
btw, the way I smoke it, which isn't the most effecient but still works pretty well, is to sprinkle it in weed. But it can't touch the embers, so you smoke half a bowl and dump the burnt ash (keep it), smoke the other half and leave the burnt ash in there. sprinkle a pinch of it on top of the ash, (it doesn't take much, maybe a small pile the size of your pinky finger nail or about 0.1 grams), then pile the other ash on top of the DMT, and top it off with weed.
Light up the weed, maybe about half the bowl, and inhale. You'll taste the DMT for sure, if it tastes bad, it might have been burned. Its hard to describe but its distinctive.
When you pull in, make sure to hold it in your lungs for like 10+ seconds, or as long as you can.
Take 3-5 good size rips if you want to "break through", which is hard to do.
Don't worry if you don't break through because you'll still get 5-10 minutes of the coolest, most intense visuals you've probably seen to date.
Pic related is a simple, but very similar visual display to mild DMT trips.
Neon colors, patterns, heiroglyphs, etc, changing at the whim of you emotions. Very fast and hard to concentrate on, but very cool.
Again, this is if you DON'T break through.
honestly its like a party drug moreso than people give it credit for.
You can pass the dmt around the room, and you lose all you tolerance to DMT within 45 minutes to an hour.
LSA is not so great, the withdraw symptoms/hangover can be a bitch.