What's your story? What's your current situation?

What's your story? What's your current situation?

How are you feeling? What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

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Right now I have no health insurance and I've just partially lost my sense of smell.

Low key worried about the future, if i was alone i wouldnt care but having a family i constantly worry about everything. apocalypse would be comfy as hell if i was alone.

My name is Alexa, and I struggle with my fat cock the girth and length of a soda can.
It weighs me down, makes me frown, makes my shit extra brown.

I'm currently living with my dad and trying to not catch the Chinese virus. I haven't seen my other family members because of this, so I really miss them. I'm feeling a lot of anxiety. I'm on 2mg of Klonopin daily but isn't enough. My insomnia is getting a little better though. Not die and restart my normal and boring life.

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trust me the not smelling part is fine if its something other than corona, ive never been able to smell my whole life and it hasn't affected me at all

I'm living at the shop I work at because my boss knows I live in my car. So now I have my tv, ps4, and laptop (all rescued from my ex wife, who's the reason I live in my car) and I'm brewing booze in the break room.

have a pregnant girlfriend, im a little scared for the child with how everythings been heading
we're in australia so we had to go through the fires now this slant eyed virus so its been pretty harsh but the sun will come up anyway we'll be right

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God bless your boss

Living with my brother whom is unemployed and pulling in no money, I'm the only one working. It has gotten better lately though as he has started getting his act together and applying himself.

Got 6 months with the grill next weekend and I can't wait until August-September since we'll most likely move in together around there.

Not to worried about the corona stuff, I'm fairly safe at work, but it's not rock solid ngl, some people at the factory have lost jobs.

Looks a little grim right now but I believe the future is bright. Gonna stop living with my brother and move out and in with woman I love for the first time in my life is exciting, and the thought of having a life with this woman makes me really gay, so I'm happy

In grad school, been in quarantine for a few weeks now. Kind of glad I didn't defend this term, would be shitty to get a PhD and not walk for it.

Doing good for the most part, video games and jerking off are all I do now. Sleep scheduled is fucked tho, I have four hour naps twice a day, usually in the late morning and around 3 pm. Up rest of the night. Good news is I haven't had any booze for almost 3 weeks now. Not that I was an alcoholic, I was just going overboard with it. Almost forget how nice weekends or random weekdays feel without hangovers. Decided to use quarantine as an excuse to not be pressured to drink, feelsgoodman.png. Right now I'm just hoping for a decent job market next year when I start looking for jobs. Miss my gf a lot atm. Really looking forward to building a future with her.

life is finally on the upswing, pls no apocalypse for me.

Nice. I live in my car too.
>sitting in 300 pop. town waiting out virus
>play music watch shit smoke weed eat acid

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Ayy i been off the booze for 2 months. I was at a half gallon a day. Not feeling like im dying all the time is fucking great.

Has been a very mixed bag lately. Got accepted into grad school and got a scholarship to study in Brazil but everything has been backlogged. Family is all extremely stressed for the future and both of my sisters have lost their jobs and will likely have to be moving out of the city.

Feeling a little guilty because I've been able to weather this a bit better.

Gf lives across the country, was suppose to see her this week if everything was fine. Can’t see her till this is all over. online classes are jokes . Game, jerk, weed, repeat. Lonely and miss my friends and gf. The herb helps keep the demons at bay.

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That's a lot man. Yeah, my tolerance started to increase. Pretty soon it took 2 bottles of wine or up to 1/2-3/4 of a fifth to get me quite toasty. I started drinking 3-4 days out of the week. First week of the quarantine I was drinking every night for like 5 days. Told myself I will not live long like this so just decided to stop. Mentally more awake, not tired, losing weight, and have lots of energy. Figured I'll go clean for 6 months for liver recovery and have an occasional beer for social events once that's through, just gotta make sure I don't spiral again. My heavy drinking days are done.


you go to dispensaries? i'm not sure if they're still open, was thinking about getting some and just chilling all day watching movies. at least it'll make the days go by more pleasantly.

I puked every morning, woke up with shakes, had to have wake up booze to drink right away and id black out every night. I had been drinking daily for 10 years. Happy to be done bow and dont really have much of an urge to drink. Ive wanted it twice since i quit.

I'm in my last semester of BSc, thinking about what I will do after I graduate. I really want to do a Masters in a good university in Europe, but first I need to get money and also I am slightly worried about my grades not being good enough to get admitted into a good university. I hope I can get a good job after graduating and save enough money for me to afford my Masters.

Damn dude, good job on that. Yeah I didn't want to get to that point. I never had shakes or had an urge to drink in the morning, but I figured that'd be the road I'll be going down if I don't stop now. First few nights were weird, didn't know what to do with my time. A week later I really thought about getting some beer, but luckily the stores close early now. Now I don't even know why I would drink at my computer randomly, plus anxiety is way down.

I’m a 22 year old white guy.
I grew up in vastly different environments throughout my life. Both of my parents were in the USMC, and as such I moved a lot as a kid. Once my mom got out she developed a co-dependent relationship with her nasty sister who was in the navy.
As a kid ages 6-11 or so I grew up in a trailer or a shitty apartment. The trailer I lived in belonged to my grandma but she moved to an old folks home to allow me, my sister, my mother, my aunt and my cousin to live in it.
It didn’t take long for my mother and her sister to trash anyplace they lived. I essentially lived in a hoarder trailer and later a hoarder apartment. I never stayed at home though instead I would stay outside until far after dark so I could minimize my time there.
My father intervened later on in life, he saw the conditions we were living in and took us away, the courts awarded legal custody to my mother but she allowed us to leave. I went back to my mother later on and we lived in an apartment that got just as bad.
Once I came into my fathers custody permanently I went to middle school where I was bullied and harassed daily, I got used to the torment and just took it, I had no friends and no one enjoyed being around me so I focused on my school work and did pretty well throughout. I lived in Kentucky during this time and it wasnt to bad.
After I moved to north carolina, I finished my last half of a year in middle school then went to high school for the remaining 4 years. I guess I grew out of my ugly phase in middle school, I had a couple girlfriends and a couple friends, but they started falling off as high school went on. I eventually graduated and joined the usmc as well.
I “deployed” 2 times to non-combat zones, So I guess it’s a debate if I ever did or did not deploy. I became an E-4 which is essentially a hand-me-out these days.
I have around 4months left in the usmc, I won’t be staying in.
I’ll have a bit over $22,000 once I get out

Is that a Nautilus 2 ?

I hope to become a home inspector for the money, also I play to go to college and pursue a degree in english or literature for the fun of it.
I’ve been writing short stories as of late and I hope to one day write a book and get it published.
Also I want to own a house before I’m to old.

keep it up

In a state of extreme grief. My father passed away in early Feb and my Mother passed away just last week.

Im having a really hard time dealing with this.

Yocan evolve plus 2 xl, someone gave it to me. Works good, kind of retarded design with a small screw off lid for the chamber you load that gets all sticky. I have to open it with an allen wrench.

>What's your story?
I was just a mild mannered user, wondering if it is ever okay to hit a girl, while enjoying The Witcher. Life was simple, but good.

>What's your current situation?
Well faggots, I told you my uncle that molested me left m,e an inheritance. His only stipulation was that I get blackmailed into eating shit.

>How are you feeling?
I'm feeling pretty good, since realizing that niggers and poop are the same thing. Call me a flushing toilet to my face.

>What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
That they reboot The Witcher, this time not letting liberals ruin it. Also that I roll dubs while this girl shows up at my house for Easter.

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Fuck you so much

That's hard, especially with the quarantine, try to do something which distracts you, and be carefull you have social contacts as soon as it's possible, or you'll spiral down more and more.

Sorry for you, man. My sympathies truly go out to you.

Married with 2 kids. Wife has ballooned to 300 lbs. No sex because wife has self esteem issues and is seriously depressed. Can’t leave because oldest kid has Autism (actual diagnosed condition, not the fucktard version that abounds here) and really needs a 2 parent household to be able to thrive. Wife is ok parent when I’m around because I take on 90% of the household responsibility and real day to day issues with the kids, but absolutely crumbles if I’m not around, household went to shit (if anyone had checked in on them they’d call CPS on a general neglect basis) after just a bad morning when I had to be elsewhere several times. I’m sure I’d get sole custody if I left but that would be a really ugly battle and most likely less to wife killing her self, She has threatened to do it and I have no doubt she’d follow through which would really fuck my kids up, not to mention the loss of income would hurt too and I’d have to sell my house. Job sucks ass and nobody there is miserable and hates each other, but stay there because benefits are really good and is flexible with me taking my oldest to the services he needs, and the pay is good although it all gets sucked by the kid’s special needs. Lost all friends because I literally spend all my waking hours either working or taking care of family. I get maybe 1 hour if that a day for entertainment to myself, and that’s after everyone else is asleep before I pass out from exhaustion. Youngest child is going through a rough patch and needs attention in the middle of the night. I’m currently making sure he’s fully asleep as I’m holding him and loosing what little sleep I get before I carry him back to bed.

If I didn’t love my kids so much I would have checked out a loooong time ago, but I know if I’m not there then their lives will go down the drain.

You forgot to mention all the tranny, FB/IG, and celeb threads you start daily.

I've lost everything last year. My GF of 3 years that I loved, my good job, my finances, my car, my immediate family's trust due to an on and off heroin addiction that I've been battling for almost 10 years. As 2020 started, I've started being healthy again and started getting into shape. My best friend of 15 years died from an opioid overdose. I don't care if I don't get anything back that I've lost. I just want my best friend back.

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