What keeps you up at night user?
What keeps you up at night user?
A box spring
Niggers wanting to be shit.
libtards and conservatards arguing out my window
loneliness plus i'm not doing shit with my life and wasted my adolescence
This dude always brings his bear into my back yard every night and makes this awful moaning sound...
I keep convincing myself I'm gonna die in my sleep, then I wake up.
High five. You are not alone
Hey, I remember that heterosexual bear!
My GF who left me because I didn't get her pregnant when she wanted a baby and then i have my ex who left me after I got her pregnant
sorry op, when I'm ready for bed I sleep like a rock. Hope you rest well when you can
my volcanic diarrhea
Fuck, does he roam your neighborhood too??!
Wondering what stupid thing out of my control will get my probation revoked.
this humming noise coming from my old room's heating element. Nice to visit them on the weekends though
My paraphilic attraction to animals that I have to be constantly cautious to keep secret
I can't believe they did that with my joke
Your secrets safe with me. We can move to new Mexico or west Virginia where it's legal
Then you can just let it go show your face at the mall
It's already happened once. Arrested at work, cost me $800 to bond out, charges dropped, probation not revoked. Was quite some shit.
Not safe, they'll still go for animal abuse, and with the current climate, do you think they'll have any trouble getting a conviction?
Is there copyright involved?
I likely would if it were just my life on the line, unfortunately, it would destroy the lives of my family, and others I am connected to, such as friends and coworkers. It would not be fair of me to do such a thing to those who are not even aware that I am this way.
self doubt, feelings of not being fixable and being pathetic, feelings of inferiority
im taking antidepressants and one of em should help me sleep but its taking longer than im used to ti
About 14 yrs ago in Fallujah, I watched a tank round hit a car, kill the driver, but not detonate. The car caught on fire and there was a child in the vehicle trying to get out. It finally managed to open the door and try to run away but didn't get far. It died screaming and crying while on fire. Sleep tite user.
Ptsd and worrying about random stuff that i know isn't actually happening. It can be frustrating. Sometimes i wish the paramedics didn't patch me up. I experienced near death from an axe-ccident(haha) and crossed over when (from what the docs said before giving me a donor transfusion) i was at around 500ml of blood left. The afterlife is this great blissful grey enviroment that makes you feel like you've put on clothes from the dryer and anything you want at all(the possibilities were endless!) Would appear for you and you could do anything you wanted.i was there for what seemed to feel like 15-20 minutes.they brought me back with medical sand and i was ripped out of that afterlife and left with ptsd.
Hey yotsuclone up late huh? How are you doing in life?
War and burning children, brought you you by: Islam
>destroy their lives
I think you're overreacting. I'm a pedo and still have friends. They don't like it, find it disgusting as one would expect, but they're still willing to judge me as a whole and not on one unfortunate characteristic.
Hahahahahaha fuck them
I'm glad because my assault charge I got in my adult life is significant enough to fuck with my work permit. Charges were not dropped by the punk I love tapped disarming his gun in self defense
I am glad you stopped getting sexually abused by animals if anything at face value not on closed doors where it's a scary place like the jail or hospital I just visited
Anxiety and insomnia. This shit is going to kill me one day, or maybe I'll end up being an hero.
Those people are Joe to me. Where they came from is disgusting. You're never gonna make it in the world if you don't get rid of them.
Hugs, bro. Mom, dad, little brother and myself all ex-Army. War turned my dad into a violent alcoholic, mom is convinced every bag of trash on the side of the road is a bomb, and little bro killed himself on Veteran's Day two years ago.
Better than getting raped in the ass in a dungeon
Islam today: brought to you by the CIA
-Loneliness, nihilism, apathy, self-hatred, and misanthropism
-The constant, never-ending stimulation of thought
-Shit Yas Forums threads like this one
What drug are you taking, user? I'm on Zoloft.
I hope you don't act on that inappropriately user. That must be difficult to deal with. Faking being straight has opened a lot of doors for me, and allowed me to prosper as an average individual, where I would surely falter as a known zoo. With the state of legality and social acceptance, I will not be making the jump any time soon. I am out with one friend, and I do not currently intend to add to that list. I personally think it is crazy to admit to liking animals this way, I cannot believe you would tell people your own nature.
Meh. Get stuff off your chest as an user at least it kills porn.
Don't join.
That's Afghanistan, where it's cool for men to "keep boys." I'm sure that doesn't fuck 'em up.
You are a monster to my family
I am always awake at night. I sleep during the morning and I have no trouble falling asleep at all. I would assume that's the beauty of a lack of empathy and conscience. No regrets, no worries, no trouble sleeping.
drug what else, coffee
bert kriescher sucking off the Russian mafia
>What keeps you up at night user?
the dread that all of life is just an existential nightmare, anxiety, and animal crossing. quarantine is fucking with my life more than i thought it would be. im desperate to socialize now because i cant go out and see my few friends like i normally would. each day gets a little bit harder and i dont know what else to do
You shouldn't be there. Fuck war business, that's way too hardcore of a job.
I wouldn't dodge bullets like that.
>I cannot believe you would tell people your own nature.
Strangely enough, it was kinda 4chinz that gave me the nerve to tell my friends. After being here for a rather long time I came to enjoy the honesty. Being able to tell people when they were just being massive faggots. Just being myself. I wanted that with my friends, so I eventually told them. Some fucked off, some stayed. Life ain't too bad.
ive heard of zoloft, but it doesnt seem to be as common here in germany. you see any improvements when taking it?
venlafaxine, lithium and mirtazapine
I did, though.
>and myself
I'm the only one in the family who didn't see combat. I felt survivor guilt about that for ages. My family and I talked about it, they said not to feel bad, they were happy I wasn't getting shot at.
>Hahahahahaha fuck them
I still would not feel right about painting others into the corner like that. It is selfish.
>I am glad you stopped getting sexually abused by animals if anything at face value not on closed doors where it's a scary place like the jail or hospital I just visited
Not quite sure what this means, but I have never been sexually abused, or sexually abused anyone or anything. I disagree with the verdict in many of those situations, although there are legitimate cases of sexual abuse against an animal, which should be dealt with as such.
It would be unethical for me to make them known as "the parents of that one guy who..." or "he was friends with that guy..." we will see how public perception changes in the future, but if I have to keep quiet to keep stable the lives of my family, and friends, I will do so.
It's all my fault. Give me aids I'll buy prep and take it
Your brain was dying, you have mild retardation now. Life is bliss and nothing after, just darkness. Sweet dreams
I sleep pretty well but thanks for checking in on me op