When will white bois just give up and admit they’ve lost the genetics war?

When will white bois just give up and admit they’ve lost the genetics war?

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Bait aside that black guy has every excuse to bang any women that want it. You're basically admitting your own crippling insecurity if you can't just accept that he's more attractive than you because if you put that much effort into your appearance almost anybody look amazing. Face it, regimented dieting and science based fitness regimes make you a pussy magnet at any age and with any ethnic background. Stop being bitter about it and don't take the bait. Sluts like muscles, not black dude in paticular.

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what a nig-

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lol shut up nigger

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sup rabbi


BBC is superior

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>white bois

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true that OP, we lost the white girls

on the bright side i can look average as fuck and tag black/asian/latina girls WAY out of my league simply because i’m white so it balances out

Jews try to ruin us but they are the eternal mongrel genetic trash
Whoever impregnates a kikess makes another kike

you guys think about this stuff too much lol

Fuck off with this shit you nigger!

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Kek imagine how tiny the dicks on these roid white bois must be kekkekkek no wonder their white girls prefer the Proud Black Man

Proud? Of what? You have done fuck all. Before you start talking shit I got a big fat dick so go fuck yourself.

Fucking kys nigger!

>seething white bois

You are a sad pathetic clown who hasnt seen a pussy in years, if ever. Kill yourself

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hush, nigger

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You didn’t answer the question though? What have you done? Proud black man haha fucking cope.

I am going to fucking murder you asshole! You NIGGER!!! What's your address?


Not defending white inbred faggots, but I’m sure some 5.56 will stop any nigger no matter how much nigger strength they have

Kek don’t worry white bois we got dem guns to play wit too.

Ask your moms white boi

Fucking kek

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What have you done? Tell me what you lot have done.

Zdravstvujtye death to America!!!

If your low iq, welfare-grubbing race could figure out how a safety works.
>pic related

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>random numbers on a graph with no verifiable source
Keep seething white bois

What have you done? Tell me what you have done.

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>pic related, reliable source

Niggers can’t do math, all they are good for is picking cotton like they were intended to be

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