Why are you antii-gun? Seriously. I'd like to hear your reasoning behind it...

Why are you antii-gun? Seriously. I'd like to hear your reasoning behind it. I'm not going to debate you unless you ask for my thoughts, anybody who does isn't me.

Attached: 92 wood.jpg (1800x1200, 654.27K)

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Shut up fag

compelling rebuttal.
looks like you've been /threaded, OP.
ya big gay, ya.

Because guns are unnecessary. If we could just give the government more power to teach people crime as wrong and arrest people who think incorrectly, we wouldn't have crime.

well shit, pack it up boys.

I would normally say you're being ironic but libtards literally believe this

I reckon it's that time.

I'll immediately arrange for you to be air dropped into Juarez, ME and we'll see how long you last without a gun

Only because they haven't embraced Democratic Socialism. If the people of Juarez could just be forcibly taught that crime is wrong, crime would go away and we could all live peaceably.

I'm a commie and even I think this is stupid, and apparently so does Great Lenin.

Attached: lenin guns.png (1355x601, 672.74K)

But Lenin was a Fascist. The exact opposite of a Communist. No one has truly created a true Communist philosophy because had they succeeded, all the world's problems would go away.

Guns were invented solely to kill humans. Literally thier evolution was in aid of war.

Now, tell me why Johnny Surburbia needs a gun and i will tip my hat and walk off.

But you can't because you have no natural reason that isn't redneck or gung-ho wankery

Leaf here. I'm not against guns. Guns are fine for hunting, sport, protection of self, family and property, and defense from a tyrannical government.

I know many people who have guns and for the purposes as listed above would call them responsible gun owners. There are probably lots of responsible gun owners out there.

My argument is that certain people shouldn't own, have access or be around guns. Different criteria makes up the group of those who shouldn't have them, however, the majority of them can just be called fucking idiots.

Question OP. Why does it seem like so many fucking idiots have guns? And what can be done to stop them from acting like irresponsible gun owners?

>I'm a faggot who doesn't read shit and posts autism

Attached: D77l93kXoAErZyi.jpg (220x229, 13.74K)

But it's true! Lenin eventually allowed capitalist ideas and private ownership of property and then murdered a bunch of people. Just like fascists.

Source? If you're talking about the NEP, that was state capitalism where the government owned everything.

None really. Just fucking around with the idea that Fascism is just capitalism with a Communist veneer. Mussolini took Lenin's ideas and made them a bit more realistic to the regard that the state probably shouldn't own everything.

And mocking libs.

I'm not against guns. They've been around for centuries and they aren't going anywhere. They serve a genuine purpose in some sectors. I don't feel the need to own one privately though, and being that I am from a very safe, relatively crime-free country, the idea of literally anyone being able to access a firearm unnerves me slightly. But my country has pretty strict gun laws, so it's not a huge concern overall. My girlfriend has her licence and owns a Beretta 92FS for the range and she's sensible about it, so everyone is different.

> used to live in America
> everybody has a gun
> lots of shootings and murders
> afraid to bump into wrong person on the street
> Any road rage could turn into a shooting
> Any boomer could get upset and just take out a gun
> Go to concert, somebody could start shooting at any moment
> gUnS MaKe Us FEeL SaFe

> Now live in Nordic paradise
> Gun ownership is low and limited to hunting rifles
> No fear about walking the streets
> Incredibly low crime
> No fear of mass shootings at large events
> Guns make us safer?

How many niggers you got there?

Loads of niggers. None with guns tho

Spot the pattern here?

A small handful. Most of them are harmless, at worst they might steal a bike or something from a convenience store.

No guns warranted. They don't have guns.

Sorry Ameritards, but Nordic countries do it better.

The state already doesn't own everything in socialism, the workers own it; i.e. you join a company and you automatically get a small portion of the company as your own hence the term employee owned co-ops.
Also fuck libs (see pic).

Attached: evensocialistshatelibtards.png (636x190, 50.19K)

If you fear walking around the streets or in a concert you're a paranoid faggot.

This is interesting because you get people arguing both sides. If you have everyone owning a gun then you're more prepared to defend yourself in a potential gun-related incident. But at the same time, if guns weren't awash in the US then there wouldn't be the same potential for these types of incidents to happen. Personally, I feel it stands to reason that if there aren't as many guns around then gun crimes logically less likely.

Yeah, crime is wrong until you're broke and starving and you have some jackass trying to teach you that crime is wrong.

> If you fear walking around the streets or in a concert you're a paranoid faggot.

Arguably true. But there is certainly this wonderful relaxing sensation about being in a Nordic country and knowing crime hardly exists.

> USA: Every body has a gun; lots of gun violence.
> Nordic: very few guns; very little gun violence.

Gee, how does reality fucking work?

You just have to look at world wide gun related crime statistics and compare them with the US.
Third world shit holes don’t count, unless you admit that the US is also a third world shit hole.

well ya see, if they just had Democratic Socialism, no one would go hungry or be broke because the gov't would have taxed everyone to the point of equality and redistributed the wealth.

Because the government, military and police all have guns. That's why we need guns.

Correlation =/= causation.

Fun, defense of person and property, defense from treason.

How many niggers you got there?


Are you angry because I made the same point as you? Jesus fucking relax.

Lol, Only Ameritards could deny reality so much.

> There's no connection between owning a gun and shooting somebody in the face and not owning a gun and not shooting somebody in the face.

It would be like studying car accidents and pretending the number of cars on the road has no impact on the rate of crashes... So dumb.

>Democratic Socialism
You mean social democracy, pussy.

Very few, and quite honestly 99% of them are well behaved members of society.

I am building upon your point. Anger not directed at you.

As a nordic Swede, having my cities being bombed and even my home town get fucked by terrorists isnt what i would call paradise. Like dude are you so blind that you arent self aware whats happening?

Excellent bait, 10/10

I see. As you were then.

Im a liberal and love guns but want more checks on people who owns them. How about yearly mental check up and insurance

The military and police need guns to discharge thier duty.

You haven't made a case for johnny Surburbia that isn't built on paranoia or flat out stupidity.

10/10 Shareblue.

So you have no valid reason apart from 'muh guns'

That is because Swedish people are gay. Not all Nordic countries are total pussies like you.

Besides, a few incidents in isolated locations doesn't mean Sweden isn't a great place to live.

It's the fucking truth.

It's wonderful living in a society where you don't need a gun to feel safe.

You fucking idiot.
People will always want more, which perpetuates crime and theft of property or money.
As long as you have a monetary system, people will steal and commit crimes.
People also unironically can create guns and ammunition with their hands and tools they can craft with their hands.
You're a pure fucking idiot just like you asks your red flag faggot Tranny fuckers.
I'd fuckin shoot you.

Blank Slate Myth faggot

>You're a pure fucking idiot just like you asks your red flag faggot Tranny fuckers.
>I'd fuckin shoot you.

Typical gun owner, resorts to violence immediately.


To try and argue there is no correlation between the number of guns available in the US and the number of gun related crimes is simply delusional. Regardless of your stance on guns, this is a simple cause - effect situation that you can't deny.

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no they dont they belive that everyone will just be happy and work together

>discharge their duty
Then why the fuck would they need guns against a public that doesn't have any?????????????????????
DUDE, you're never getting the guns, just stop.