Guitar thread. Post your gear, critique rigs, etc

Guitar thread. Post your gear, critique rigs, etc.

I'll start. 2008 Gibson Les Paul Classic. More to come.

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72 Tele Deluxe reissue but I put a TV Jones Classic in the neck and TV Jones Classic Plus in the bridge.

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A few more of mine. Amps coming next.

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Hey user what kind of bass is that?

Fireglo Rickenbacker 4003. I can't remember the year off the top of my head.

I have several other guitars but this is my favorite right now. I use a Fender Blues Jr 4 amp and this is my current board.

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Saucy. I've been thinking about trying out a tele, but I'd like to get one with the classic single coil arrangement. I've got enough HH guitars. I'm sure that thing kicks ass though.

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Fender blues deluxe reissue

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This was one I was dreaming of since HS. I have three other fender Teles, 2 single coils and one double I didn’t like the feel of the cabronitas that have those filtertorn style pickups, so I decided to just mod a 72. Telecasters are my absolute favorite.

These things are so damn loud, but if you can crank it they are amazing. I had to go 15w and it’s still too loud.

Teles are such a classy look for a guitar. I'd love a white on white one like pic related. I've never actually played one though, I hope the feel holds up. How does the body compare to the strat? I feel like the strat is king in terms of comfort, at least when it comes to body shape.

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Yeahhh I kinda fucked up buying it honestly. LOL I got it for my dad for Christmas, and I wanted to go all out. Problem is, he can only ever play it when my mom goes out. Luckily, they got a lot of space between them and the neighbors, so he can crank it when she does.

BC Rich Virgo. Same colour. It's tacky as fuck but my buddy gave it to me when he joined some Yoga cult. She rips.

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Strats play much differently. It's easier to bend with a strat, and the team block and springs add dynamics to the tone.

Tales are a lot stiffer but sustain for days.

Man, it's hard to pull one of those things off if you don't 100% commit to the metal look. Long hair, leather, spikes, maybe some blood. You gotta go all out. Which sucks, because I secretly love spiky guitars, but I can't commit like that.

That’s an Epiphone or your bridge is on backwards

The strat is actually a comfortable guitar, the tele just feels like a block of wood.
I see you ended up making that guitar thread after all :^)

Oh that’s a great look. Fender Olympic white has to be my favorite finish from them. Surf green and butterscotch are up there, but that white is tops.

Some teles have the belly cut like a Strat. My 04 Deluxe does. I honestly love the feel of a Strat when I’m just sitting at home and playing. But the standard thick body teles are what I go for when I’m jamming with friends. I like the feel of a heavy guitar.


Interesting, that actually suits me just fine. I tend to play heavy gauge strings anyway.

What are you on about? My bridge is fine. Could use a setup, but other than that, it's where it should be.

I have an early 2000s Gibson SG Standard and a vintage Fender amp.

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>i love the feel of a heavy guitar

Definitely can relate to that. Feels like you can really dig into a heavy guitar, like it will push back.

Thankfully I also have a Doctor on the board.

Awesome SG. I never could afford a Gibson Standard. I got one of those faded specials that were always like $700 through the mid 2000s.

Guitarfags, honest question.

How do I learn to play?
If you can, be as detailed as possible.

Well I played in a couple thrash bands, got the long hair and whatnot. Never was much for spikes though. It might be tacky as fuck but its a wonderful piece of hardware. The neck is buttery smooth and there isn't a buzz on the whole fretboard. Its got sustain for days and the strings are nice and far apart for that sweet chugga chugga. Had to get her rewired cause it was a rats nest back there, but now the pickups are super hot. What I really like about her is shes got no wammy bar, I mostly play rythym and I HATE the rigamorole when you're trying to restring. I play it through either a Marshal Hi Watt or a Mesa Boogie depending on where Im at. Low end for days. I call her Fairuza cause of Fairuza Balk in The Craft. I'll never get another guitar.

Practice. Plenty of shit on Youtube. Stick with what you like.

I started with Rocksmith, check it out on youtube.

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Is kramer pacer classic worth? For 10+ years of "serious" broke homeplayer. Its roughly $400 in my country

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Kramers are dope. My buddy has a sick flying V tuned in low A and it's heavy as fuck.

Look at schecters.

There are a lot of online video lessons out now a days. I hear fender play is pretty good. Tons of free videos on YouTube.
Just know that you’re going to suck at first for a while. But eventually you’ll get better. Just have to stick with it.

Also, if you want to learn electronic guitar don’t start on acoustic. And vice versa. It’s not that the lessons won’t transfer over, but practicing the style you want to learn will make you want to practice more and more.

Been working on a tele my grandpa gave me years ago. Went through a house fire in '02

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***electric guitar.