Is this true?

Is this true?

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no Yas Forums sucks now because reddit faggots migrated here en masse when their shitty website started censoring everything

Yas Forums hasnt changed in decades. It was always like this. Cry more fag.

Fuck off nigger

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been here on and off since 2006.

Shit has gotten worse. the post is mostly correct. Yas Forums was a weird place back then. At the same time that "shoop da whoop" memes were big we were raiding habbo hotel because the mods were racist. Yas Forums did just about anything to go against the grain but it was only ever for the lulz. back then actual bigots got laughed out of town. but also there is no /bridget/ anymore which is sad.

nigger, kill yourself

Fucking confirmed

>pretty much all board
That nigger faggot is a retard that hasn't visited any boards besides Yas Forums, Yas Forums and maybe Yas Forums.

I think that the "peak" was around 2008 and it's slowly declined ever since. The Anonymous group was still going strong.

Enjoy your AIDS OP

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Yeah, Yas Forums, why are you so homophobic? We could attract a new and sustainable, open-minded group of people, but you insist of being prude Prussians stuck in the 1910s.

>I’ve only been to Yas Forums within the last few months and don’t know that niggers were never accepted there!!!!!!1

Nigger memes used to be fun back then

This is the reason why we spam nigger hate threads.

You know what's funny. I've been here since 08 and faggots always assume we are all white. Shit got really bad after 2015


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Well, here's this.

Not all Africans are niggers. I know quite a few intelligent, well-raised African Americans.

I hate the illiterate, neanderthal Africans. AKA Niggers. The ones the don't think about their actions, that don't care or respect anyone or anything around them and generally are huge pieces of shit humans. They were raised by nigger parents who were also raised by nigger parents. It's a horrible cycle of ignorance breeding ignorance.

All the zoomers in this thread denying the OP weren't even around back when Yas Forums was good. Stormfags spamming the shit out of every board with their autism is a good 80% of why Yas Forums is shit nowdays. There was always ironic racism, but nothing like the mental retardation that exists today

>Pic related
This was the last time Yas Forums was great.

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Exactly this my friend

>back when Yas Forums was good

it has gotten more tribalistic. Tribalism itself is a sign that self awareness is going down the toilet in here.

oldfags dont give a shit about your views but all those new people want to be part of a club or smth

2016 reddit invasion, and MAGA retards that's why Yas Forums sucks even more than it sucked before

Tribalism is rising everywhere around.
People are retards.
Corona 2020

Lol nope niggerfaggot

Plebbit is and will always be a totalitarian no fun zone that would make north korea look like the cool teacher in highschool that let the class talk all the time. It really boggles my fucking mind how these no fun dipshits not only ignore the entirety of Yas Forums culture and history but they assume its just like plebbit. We really gotta keep spamming nigger hate and gore threads just so these no fun faggots stay the hell out

That's literally how Yas Forums has always been. Except for one thing; Desu.

> Cry more fag.

A brilliant reposte, sir !
And thus you win the argument !

At what temple of higher education did you hone your debating skills? I would love to have been in those hallowed halls, to see the finest of minds duel so elegantly !

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> but looks like a 15yo has made it

Cry more fag.

6 year old thread. Notice how it's the same now as 6 years ago? It was the same 6 years before that, but with dial-up and less traffic. this faggot is retarded. The memes are different, sure, but it still takes all day to find a good thread like it did even back then. This entire thread concept has been around since before I came here my first time. You're all nostalgia fapping for good old days that didn't exist.

You can always tell when someone is taking the internet too seriously.
Cope harder, baby boy.

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its kek how you speak of
> neanderthal Africans
but explaining you dont like illiterate people

Cry more fag.

Yeah 6 years, where you show up and fuck it all up because you too boring to be funny and stupid to say anything interesting.

Go back.

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How fat are you in real life?


yes. this is exactly what happened.

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Cry more fag.

That's the glory of bait

Prussians weren't racist.
East Prussia was Hungarian and backed by Ottomans.

hardly. Yas Forums used to be that way but it was lined in sarcasm and humor.

now its just 70% threads about being blacked or traps.

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Cry more fag.

Oh dear. Just oh dear

Look at all my fucking dubs, you faggots.

He's just right and you're wrong

Cry more fag.

This is what sex is like.

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insecure cringy racist/omophobic kids came in, shit got rearded

Cry more fag.

This is what my ex looks like.

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Cry more fag.

Cry more fag.

I fuck women that look like this because I'm of Viking heritage.

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The Yas Forums used to raid, swat, dox and ruin people's lives, the elite got scared and now have a bunch of people like antifa posting traps,sissyfags, niggers on here to distract what the anonymous movement was all about

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My friends are like this because I'm cool and interesting irl.

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