Depression feels thread

depression feels thread
i’m sure the coronavirus isn’t helping anyone get better
fuck, i haven’t left the house since march 18th, the last day i went into work before working from home
barely stepped foot outside since then
hadn’t shaven, shower maybe once a week, room is filled with half empty mugs of moldy coffee and bags of food from ubereats
i keep trying to get better. but fuck it’s hard. i have no will to do shit, it’s to the point where i don’t care. and it almost feels nice.
let’s just vent guys

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Same thing for me op by anxiety. Fine at home but the moment I have to leave to even run to the store for a minute my heart will literally start racing and pounding. I’ve been to the emergency room before for anxiety and there pretty much nothing they can do. I definitely wouldn’t wanna be at a hospital now with all this virus stuff going on. Hang in there OP...we’re all gonna make it. This stuff can’t last forever right?

Gonna throw myself off a cliff at the first opportunity. There's nothing I want from this life anymore.

fuck, that sucks user. i get anxiety too, specifically about retarded shit i did in the past coming back to haunt me (i was manic as fuck in high school and tweeted stupid shit like amanda bynes lmfao) but never to the point of going to the er. i understand it’s an awful feeling tho, inescapable feeling
you hang in there too. it’s a difficult time but it’ll surely get better soon. my prediction is maybe 4 more weeks of this.. hopefully less

there’s nothing i can say to stop you, but just know that there are many people who understand what you’re feeling. it’s awful. i’m so sorry

Yea I hope so. This blows. Never ever woulda thought I’d ever say “I wanna get back to work” I’m non essential too so of course I’m probably worried about that in the back of my mind. Ohiofag here (USA) you?

>but just know that there are many people who understand what you’re feeling
Hope they don't, these aren't good feelings to have, not good to even imagine.

Realistically my life was finished years ago. I don't know what stopped me doing this for so long.

this is the most peaceful feeling I've had in years. It's ironic that a pandemic would be the cause of it. I've always felt the world was insane and our values were fucked up. I know this is causing a lot of new problems for the world but I somehow think things will be better once this is behind us.

delawarefag here lmao
and yeah i’m worried as hell im going to lose my job... i haven’t been doing SHIT this past week lmao. literally fall asleep with my work laptop beside me and set my alarm for every 20 mins to check my email. usually nothing, and i’m low on the totem poll so i’ll probably be let go soon. oh well tho
it’ll be so fucking weird when work, resturants, etc all start back up again tho

One day at a time. Tomorrow may be a better day and next week may be a better week. I know, probably not but give it a chance.

same. ever since i graduated high school i kept in contact with no one.
just know you can always kill yourself tomorrow. but you can’t undo it. so might as well hold it off i guess
idk. just what i tell myself

I hope that all of you will get through this. Don't worry, you all are probably amazing people. I wish the best for you all

>Tomorrow may be a better day and next week may be a better week.
I've been doing that for years. Day by day, try to be a bit better each day. Been working that angle for about 10 years now. Nothing has changed, other than a growing awareness of the futility of this situation.

Yep just wanna see us back to normal man that’s all! Even though I truly don’t think “normal” will happen any time soon even after we re-open shit.

thank you user you too!

Kind of missing the whole point of isolating yourself, faggot.

same here op since the 10th. showers are my sanctuary, i do it every other day now.

I felt so stuck, but made it a goal to just make the space as clean as possible, even though its HARD as fuck to stay clean.

it will be interesting to see what the rest of the decade looks like
they just drop the food off at my door, no contact, and i wash my hands throughly

Np. As someone that also has anxiety, I hope that things will improve. You're awesome, user

i just cleaned my room the day before april for the first time in forever, and it’s fucked up again lmao. it just can’t stay clean. i have no excuses. i just get lazy and throw shit on the floor, clothes, cups, glasses, plates, and never pick it up.
it’s an improvement though, couldn’t even see the floor before i cleaned it the other night lmfao.

Although i like to pretend i dont care, it actually hurts me a little when someone i know but havent talked to in a while removes me from social media, also i’ve had a crush on my gf’s sister because we had some sort of chemistry before but when we used to hang out and almost kissed one night, after a small fight we had we lost contact and now she doesnt come around anymore. I know it all sounds wrong and all but goddam it why do i overthink shit so much? She has a bf and i shouldnt care but i do i do care. A lot!

I just wish i could reset my brain or train myself to be who i really want to be, just live my life without being emotionally affected by what others do, giving less of a fuck who wants to stick around in my life and who does not.

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A cliff is too good for the likes of me. I want my death to be as slow and painful as possible.

i feel that , user

HAHAHAH imagine the edge
okay, if you want that
>go to the kitchen
>get potato peeler
>peel your skin til you can peel no more
if you want your death to be as slow and painful as possible you ought to want to stay alive for as long as possible and physically harm yourself daily.
but you don't do that
and you won't do anything like it
and you won't ever kill yourself
because you're a fat, edgy, larping teenager, and all you want is attention. So here, have some, fatty.

You think I am some weepy, cocksucking emo faggot like yourself? You're out of luck, because you aren't my type, AIDS-breath. Get raped to death in a back alley by a pack of niggers, you mouth-breathing waste of spoiled rat sperm.

Does anyone know how to kill yourself in the bathtub effective without booze?

spoken like a true weepy cocksucking emo fag

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>spoken like a true weepy cocksucking emo fag
Said the weepy cocksucking emo fag AND Yotsuba poster

I'm sorry we came off to a wrong start
Tell me more about your severe depression HAHAHAAHAHAAHAH

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Yas Forums isn't my blog, you tremendous faggot.
Have a gore pic instead.

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