This virus is what we need. We need less people on this over populated planet, better climate action and less fucking chinks and Amerifats. Hoping the number triples soon.
This virus is what we need. We need less people on this over populated planet...
Also, people who make plebbit-tier Winnie the chink memes. Kill those giant fucking faggots
Europe getting it worse. Most of the us is flattening. France, UK and Spain aren't even to the peak yet.
Dude what?, Youre damn delusional.
Just go to sleep man, stop beating your meat so often and respect your parents you troubled little man...
How am I delusional. Our planet is being raped by greedy governments, chinks who eat practically anything and retards.
Chinks eating retards? Oh boy, now I definitely hope you and anybody with a shred of your DNA get the virus too.
Seems you just need to get your thoughts in the correct order man.. straight up saying that "we" need less people is fucked up.. not all people are the way you think.. yeah surely some folks deserve your mighty wrath but still crucifying a whole country that lives under a regime like that seems a bit unfair.. you wanna change the world?, Good news you can. But you have to start by doing the right thing arround you.
The world is ugly as it is already. :)
Kill the weak. This way no guilt.
>Hurr Durr bomb coronaland
Exactly my thoughts
Samefagging samefag samefags samefags. Also I'm samefag. Emphasis on FAG.
Dude what?? Lol, are you even here because the thread??
Id like to know what op thinks about it.. :)
I do my part for the planet. I collect trash from the streets, I recycle as much as I can. I eat as much local farm produce and eggs that I need, I don't waste food. I'm tired of seeing more and more children being born by parents who live off the backs of hard workers and the poor animals being slaughtered to feed fat asses.
Let's just keep everyone from ever experiencing death. MOAR PEOPLE. this virus is the culling the human race needs. Let the weak die. Also, I'm samefag
Let's purge
Spoken like a true nigger. I'm in.
This pandemic bullshit is better than the 9/11 crock. Nobody to go to war with, but we can still keep the masses in fear.
If nigs gon' nog, then nog the nigs. Amirite? Imrite.
We would have so many more resources if we removed tax cuts from the rich and euthanized downies and cripples
Flat rate taxes for the win! Str8 30% for real!
Yes, this.
Welp.. yeah in time you just end up ignoring fucked up things like that, i guess that the only resolution i get is the fact that i did the best im capable of...
On a side note id also like to watch to world burn, and take all of my anger on all of those idiots that just fuck it up for everyone.. idk man..
Sometimes id like to join a rev ya know like in the movies were they actually acomplish something, sad reality is that all movements are eventually stained by politics and cuestionable leaders.. so who the fuck knows man.. were just sitting and waiting i guess... Like you said. Perhaps this virus will scar us so bad that we're actually going to change.. but deep down id call it bullshit..
Sorry annon, just wrap a wet towel arround something and punch it. Youll feel better than being all stressed up about stuff thats way out of your reach.. c:
What about cripples who can still work and function but are in wheel chair?
If every persons parents die,we all get inheritance
I prefer Chinese takeout
Damn, you speak the truth, brother
Noted, thanks.
Let them burn, they'll make cripple babies.
Also, people who talk shit for the sake of talking shit. Starting with meeeee cause fuck you nigger
tonight i went to my big walmart supercenter to get a frozen pizza at about 8:15. they were supposed to be open till 8:30. they had some team with security and a chick with a megaphone occasionally calling out:
i heard it two more times after i got turned away 100 yards from the front and was driving out. it's like trying to get in to a hot nightclub.
Them mass shooters are on to something
Lel.. yeah dude ease up.
Too bad it’s killing the old people and won’t make much of a difference
This thread is full of kids..
Just be good man.. and have some love for others, in the end theres only going to be you and the ones you love..