Would Yas Forums date a boy? How would you feel about friends and family reacting?

Would Yas Forums date a boy? How would you feel about friends and family reacting?

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whos that in the pic

Some boy

if it was that boy, yes

doesnt mean I would put up with him acting like a garbage princess though. cute things have to be whipped to keep from misbehaving

would fuck and idc how they react

Nice, really?

No. No, no no, no no. No. No. No no, no no no, no. No no no no. No.

Stick to girls then
With their bitchiness

why not, he looks fuckable

You aren’t worried about people judging you? Would someone like this actually be datable?

not at all worried about it and
ofc someone like that is dateable

I will, thanks
>implying that trannies and fags aren't mentally unstable drama magnets


Pretty sure that is how you would get sars

Spend all your time worried about what people might think and you waste a lot of time doing nothing. Time you don't get back. If anyone makes a thing out you you dating a femboy or whatever, just saved you from having to waste time on them.

Yup, you can find head cases like you in all walks of life. You being in this thread of proof of that.

Nice, that sort of made my night to read
Okay you got me there
To be fair I’m talking boys who are feminine not trannies who are a whole nother level
But then again they can be bitchy too idk
Well fuck, thanks user
I’m really insecure about my guys being scared to date me. I know (based off of the shit I see on this board) There are definitely guys willing to fuck traps/feminine guys but dating is a whole different thing. I wish more guys had your confidence

btw you got more of him or even sauce?

to clarify the above I would date a boy who was that cute, hold hand in public and everything but I'm wary of cute things.

cute things are prone to becoming spoiled personalities since they are treated better due to the cuteness hence the whipping needed. boys are no exception to this

Nah I’m sorry, I saw him in some trap thread a few nights ago. He is good looking though

I see what you mean lmfao

It the real world guys do. The Chan's are a shit place to take serious. I've dated girls guys and trans (mtf). lgbt groups can be just as bad as here is.

I’d fuck them if they looked this cute and wouldn’t have a problem with it. If people call me a fag for it, then so be it. I still have a tight ass I can come home to.

Yo, this kinda looks like one of the tripfags from

Lol, but /tttt/ is based tho. It’s one of the few places where I can vent my frustration at the obvious direction of our collective rights as a result of a handful of retards without being totally ousted from the community and being abandoned by everyone I know.

if its a feminine boy and agreed to be my cumslut and suck and swallow every day then Ill consider it

thats why you went as a user

I should also amend this that area plays a roll in this too. I live south of Austin Texas and it's much easier then when I lived in a college town in Iowa.

Lol, you saying you guessed my trip code?

I'm not saying it doesn't have it's uses, but everything there should be taken lightly.



why would you date:

a. a guy
b. a guy full of hormones he shouldnt be taking and will probably go crazy and kill you and himself
c. get disowned by everyone
d. have your dick smell like shit, lube, and another guys balls.

just get a chinese girlfriend if you want someone all dolled up.

that is absolutely the best point made i've ever witnessed

ignore the queerfags saying "but muh fembutthole" - u could never persuade them anyways. copying this thanks

I would date a trap of he was very passable and feminine. So not like op's pic.

FUCK YOU CCP shill. Your country is 100% to blame for covid.

a. being a gay or female
b. the talk is about dating a literaly female looking guy and not a hormone taker
c. setting such priorities show you are a leech
d. sex smells deal with it you virgin

I'd put money on this being a samefag.

imagine going to the supermarket with your 40+ year old he/she that you've been stuck with because all your friends and family didnt wanna deal with your pervy relationship. pickin out groceries with your old ass shemale that doesnt look feminine anymore, has to wear a wig all of the time because male pattern baldness, asscrack smelling more cause of old age, balls getting droopy and stinky, dealing with hormone rage, while everyone in the supermarket is looking at you two like a bunch of freaks. seriously, you want a femmy girl, go for an asian. (theyre boring as fuck, but they will doll up for you)

eat a dick taiwan, plus im american.

What’s her name?

I would without question fuck a dude if I was attracted to him, but this attraction has been limited to just a very few twinks. As far as being being in a known relationship though? I'd never say never to it, but the odds of finding a dude I find sexy enough to fuck and pleasant/compatible enough to maintain a romantic relationship are absurdly low.

If they were cute and latino. I'd make him my neet roomate/housewife that would dress up for me and cook. no one but us would ever know

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you’re right
i’m in a relationship now and my biggest fucking insecurity is that my boyfriend would much rather date a woman. i can’t give him kids, i’ll never be nearly as pretty as even a fucking below average chick, he has to deal with so much shit for dating a dude, feels bad man.

You put so much time into this. Imagine caring this much about what other people do.

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